Friday, January 30, 2015

Taxman page 1

Taxman page 1 by ric Gustafson

Eamon and Julius were walking through the courtyard of the Antonia Fortress. Both of them noticed that they were starting to get hungry. Times were tough for both of their families and work was scarce. As they walked, they noticed a little sign nailed by the entrance door. The sign stated that individuals were wanted to work for Caiaphas the Chief Priest of the Court.
They stepped inside the doorway and stood along an outer wall. As they stood there very quietly, they noticed two long tables with several men standing next to them. Several teachers of the law were there along with some of the priests of the court. Caiaphas stood in the middle of the group and next to him was his servant Malchus.
" This Rabbi from Galilee is stirring up the people with his teachings" yelled one of the teachers of the law. " And the people are believing him".
One of the Pharisees spoke up. " This man corrupts the people with his parables and lies". He frowned at Caiaphas. " He needs to be stopped before he ruins us".
Caiaphas stared at the priest. " How do you propose we do that?".
Another priest spoke up. " We have sent soldiers before to arrest him but to no avail".
Just then, Caiaphas noticed Eamon and Julius standing by the back wall. " You two back there" he said as he pointed a finger at them. " Come forward".
The two slowly walked toward the Chief Priest.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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