Thursday, January 29, 2015

address unknown

address unknown by ric Gustafson

The Teacher, Simon, James, John and I were coming out of the synagogue in Capernaum. The Teacher agreed to come over to our house. He was tired after what had just happened. He was teaching and everybody was amazed and thought he was speaking with authority.
All of a sudden, a man with an unclean spirit cried out " what business do we have with each other Jesus of Nazareth". The strange voice hesitated. " Have you come to destroy us?".
The Teacher stared directly at the man. " Be quiet and come out of him".
Violently, the unclean spirit came out. Everyone was amazed and wondered who this man was that even unclean spirits obey him.
Simon and myself were happy that the Teacher was coming to our house. Simon's mother in law was sick in bed with a fever and the Teacher agreed to come over. He entered our house and walked up to the bed with compassion on his face. He raised her up, took her hand and the fever left her. Then she got up and began to wait on us.
That evening, many people who had unclean spirits and who were ill came to the Teacher to be healed.
The Teacher noticed a crowd was gathering. He suggested to his followers that they go to the other side of the Sea. When they reached the other side, a scribe walked up to the Teacher.
" Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go".
The Teacher smiled. " The foxes have holes, the birds have nests but the Son of Man has no where to lay his head".
" Teacher, permit me to go and bury my father" asked one of the Teacher's followers.
The Teacher replied " follow me and allow the dead to bury their own dead".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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