Wednesday, January 21, 2015

what's behind Door number 2 page 8

what's behind Door number 2 page 8 by ric Gustafson

" Yes, though not as much as I should".
" You do believe in what Revelation 3:20 says".
" Yes I do".
The Prince of Peace smiled at Russell and then pointed toward the stage. " Do you see the two doors on the stage?".
He had the two doors memorized. " Yes I do".
" The first door represents me". Jesus grinned. " My simple message is to simply believe and follow me".
A tear came down Russell's face. " I believe".
" You can take door number 1 and be with me forever". Jesus frowned. " Or you can take door number 2". He smiled at Russell. " The choice is up to you". He glanced at the clock on the wall. " You have five minutes to decide".
The clock music started as Russell bowed his head to pray.
After five minutes, the music stopped.
Jesus looked at Russell with love in his eyes. " Have you made a decision?".
Tears rolled down Russell's face. " Yes I have".
" And what is your decision?". He handed Russell the microphone.
" In the last five minutes, I recommitted my life to God, study his Word more and to spend more time with him". He pointed toward the stage. " I have decided to take door number 1".
" Is that your final decision?".
" Yes".
Jesus stood up smiling and then put his arms around a beaming Russell.
The two of them slowly walked up to the stage and then together walked through the heavy curtain of door number 1.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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