Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Agents of the Apocalypse: Agents of the Gospel

Agents of the Apocalypse: Agents of the Gospel by ric Gustafson

Jesus's original band of twelve men were called disciples and then apostles. They followed him, sat at his feet and listened to him. As apostles, they went off in power as agents of the Gospel. Let's take a quick peek at these twelve agents of the Gospel. Peter traveled with his wife to far lands sharing Jesus's message. Peter was crucified in Rome upside down. James the brother of John was murdered in Jerusalem by King Herod Agrippa I in A D 44. John the brother of James was exiled to Patmos Island where he received the book of Revelation. Andrew witnessed to modern day Southern Russia where it was said that he was crucified in A D 69. Philip preached to many people and according to tradition was crucified near Colossae and Laodicea. Bartholomew might have spread the Gospel to modern day Turkey and India near Armenia. He may have died by being flayed alive. Thomas went into modern India to spread Jesus's message. It was reported that he was speared to death near the city of Madras. Matthew spread the Gospel to Northeast Africa between Egypt and Ethiopia. It was in this region that he was martyred. James son of Alphaeus witnessed to many and was clubbed and stoned to death. Thaddeus or Jude witnessed in Armenia and India and was martyred near the present day city of Tabriz. Simon the Zealot witnessed to many possibly as far away as Spain and Britain. It was said that he was crucified in Britain in A D 61. Matthias who replaced Judas Iscariot witnessed to many in the East. It was reported that he was martyred.
These twelve men of God were Agents of the Gospel.

research help: ' Agents of the Apocalypse' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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