Sunday, February 1, 2015

Taxman page 2

Taxman page 2 by ric Gustafson

" How long have you been standing there? Caiaphas asked.
Eamon and Julius knelt and bowed their heads.
" A short time" Julius replied.
" We saw your sign and came in" Eamon exclaimed.
The Chief Priest grinned at the two. " So you saw my sign for work I see".
One of the priests reached over and whispered into Caiaphas's ear.
" We are looking for two men like yourselves to do some work for us". Caiaphas smiled at the two men. " Are you interested?".
Eamon and Julius could hear their stomachs growling. " We agree".
" Good" the Chief Priest said as he clapped his hands with joy. " Here is what we want you to do".
One of the priests spoke up. " There is a Rabbi from Galilee named Jesus that we want to trick into saying something we can arrest him for".
" Do it anyway you wish as long as you can trick him". Caiaphas threw a bag of coins at their feet. " Now go".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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