Friday, January 2, 2015

Godly Success page 1

Godly Success page 1 by ric Gustafson

How do we define success. Some say success is setting a goal and accomplishing it. But God has a different goal in mind. As believers in God, we are the sons and daughters of God. To God, success is not what we do in our lives. Success to God is that we are his children. Success is being who God wants us to be and to accomplish the goals he has for us.
Ungodly people amass material wealth, a certain degree of fame and social status. But they are not truly successful because they pursue their own goals not God's. A God focused person concentrates on God's plan and purpose for their lives. A God focused person is concerned with an eternal purpose that comes with spiritual benefits. Godly character comes from obeying God's commandments and directives.

research help: ' Success God's Way' by Charles Stanley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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