Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Malchus page 2

Malchus page 2 by ric Gustafson

The old man looked at the donkey colt and then at the young slave. " Malchus, what do you see?".
" Japhet, I see a donkey colt".
" It is not just a donkey colt my dear Malchus" the old man said as he kissed the forehead of the colt." This donkey colt is the prophecy fulfilled over five hundred years ago by the prophet Zechariah".
" What did the prophecy say?".
" Behold your king is coming humble and mounted on a donkey even on a colt the foal of a donkey".
" What happened today Japhet?".
" The colt was tied to that tie post next to you". He grinned at the young slave. " I was walking by and saw two men untying it".
" You did not know who they were?".
" No" was his quick reply. " I said to them what are you doing?".
" What did they say?".
" That the Lord has need of your animal and it will be returned".
" Then what happened?".
" They left with my colt".
" Later, it came back".
" Yes unharmed". He smiled at Malchus. " They told me that Jesus of Nazareth had ridden on it".
" Jesus of Nazareth" Malchus replied loudly.
" You know of him".
" A little bit based on what my master has told me".
" Well Malchus my boy" the old man exclaimed as tears came flowing down his face. He petted the head of the colt. " Now I believe that the Messiah has come".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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