Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy Birthday Prodigal Son page 5

Happy Birthday Prodigal Son page 5 by ric Gustafson

I walked into my office and tiredly sat down. I closed my eyes to relax. My mind began to wonder about the events of the past two years.
My youngest son Joseph has been gone for two years now. He called yesterday to inform me that he was coming home. He had spent all of his inheritance money and wanted to come home. He had found a job on a pig farm shoveling slop to the hogs. He said he got so hungry that the slop was even looking good.
I love Joseph so much and I hope that he does come home. For two years, I've pondered if I made the right decision to let him leave home to discover himself. At the time, I thought that time away from home would help straighten him out. I' m not sure if that was the best decision or not.
My wife passed away early in my boy's lives so it was up to me to raise them. I built my steel plant from the ground up and I am proud of that. Even with the long hours, I still had time for my sons and their activities.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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