Saturday, January 3, 2015

Godly Success page 2

Godly Success page 2 by ric Gustafson

Pursuing Godly success is ongoing. It is to seek, establish and accomplish God given goals that are given to us. God wants us to desire to be the person he wants us to be and achieve the goals that God sets out for us. We will never truly achieve success. Godly success is a process. Success grows in us as we mature in Jesus.
The Holy Spirit lets us have great joy and satisfaction as we go along on our journey. God warns us to stay on the path and not to go a different path. When we venture off God's path and onto our own destruction comes. When we do things apart from God, we spend time and energy doing things that will not produce happiness, joy and peace. Without a relationship with God, we are a failure. We are not a success in God's eyes.
We need to have a hunger in our hearts to be more like Jesus. We need to draw closer to the heart of God. We need to study God's truth in his Word. We need to concentrate on bearing more fruit for God.
Godly Success is striving to be the best person God wants us to be.

research help: ' Success God's Way' by Charles Stanley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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