Saturday, January 3, 2015

What's behind Door number 2 page 6

What's behind Door number 2 page 6 by ric Gustafson

" That's right". Russell smiled at Leroy. " All we need to do is simply knock and he will enter and be in charge of our life forever". Then Russell sadly pointed toward the stage. " Or their is Door number 2".
Leroy looked  at the two doors.
" Jesus gives you choice eternal life and salvation with Door number 1 or what's behind Door number 2". Russell stood up. " You have five minutes to decide".
The clock music started.
Leroy studied both doors as the music kept playing. After five minutes, the music stopped.
" Leroy, the five minutes is over". He handed him the microphone. " Have you made a decision?".
" Yes, I have".
" And what is your decision?".
Leroy studied the doors one more time and then looked at Russell. " Russell, I gave my life to Jesus years ago". He smiled. " I will take Door number 1".
" And that is your final decision".
" Yes it is".
" Roger, will you please escort Leroy to Door number 1".
Russell's assistant led a tearful and happy Leroy to the Door number 1 curtain. A man in white smiled and led him into it.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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