Friday, January 2, 2015

what's behind Door number 2 page 5

what's behind Door number 2 page 5 by ric Gustafson

Russell had a sad look on his face as Sara walked through the curtain of Door number 2. He turned to his right. " Now let's meet today's second contestant". A middle aged man walked out from behind the purple curtain and walked down the stairs toward Russell.
" Our second contestant is from Middle Brook Idaho" Russell said with a smile. " Please welcome Leroy Williams". He handed him the microphone. " Tell us a little bit about yourself".
" Russell, I'm a motel manager and I've been happily married for twenty years". He grinned. " I'm also very active in our church".
" That's great" Russell replied as he was handed back the microphone. " Are you ready to play the game?".
" I sure am".
" Then let's play what's behind Door number 2". Russell opened his bible to Revelation. " Revelation 3:20 says I stand at the door and knock, he who hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and eat with him". " There are two doors on the stage" he said as he pointed upstage. " Do you see them?".
Leroy intently stared at the stage. " Yes, I do".
" Door number 1 is a symbol of the promise made in this passage".
" I started reading the bible a year ago" Leroy said with a grin. " I'm amazed at how simple his offer is".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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