Wednesday, January 14, 2015

John 9: 1-41 page 3

John 9: 1-41 page 3 by ric Gustafson

He squinted his eyes as he again walked up to the Pharisees. They had asked him to see them a second time.
A Pharisee pointed at him. " We know that this man is a sinner".
" A sinner I don't know". He grinned at them. " What I do know is that I was blind and now I see".
" How did he open your eyes?".
" I told you already and you did not listen". He sighed. " You do not want to become his disciples too do you?".
One of the Pharisees sneered at him. " We are disciples of Moses".
" You do not know this man and yet he opened my eyes". He smiled. " Unless he was from God, he could do nothing".
" You were born in sin and you are teaching us". One Pharisee pointed his arm in furious anger. " Get out of here!".
Later, Jesus heard what the man had said to the religious leaders. He encountered him later that day. " Do you believe in the Son of Man?".
" Who is he that I may believe in him?".
Jesus looked at him with compassion in his eyes. " You have seen him and he is the one talking with you".

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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