Saturday, February 1, 2014

attributes of God: the holiness of God

attributes of God: the holiness of God by ric gustafson

the dictionary defines holiness as to divide or to set apart from all else. To be holy is to be different or unique. With God, holiness divides him from everyone and everything.
God's holiness is in a class by itself. We need to respect and revere God's holiness for various reasons. The first being that God has no evil in his character and is pure, whole and righteous. God is pure love, pure morally and without sin.
So how does God reveal his holiness to us?. He reveals it through people such as Moses, David and Isaiah. God reveals it through places such as the burning bush, the parting of the Red Sea and the blazing pillar of fire. He reveals it through the law as in through the Ten Commandments. He reveals it through prophets such as Isaiah. God reveals his holiness through his wrath and judgment. He reveals it through his Son Jesus. And lastly, he reveals it through his church.
So how do we respond to God's holiness?. We do it by the way we think, how we obey him and our attitudes that we need to develop promoting holiness.

research help: ' God as he longs for you to see him' by Chip Ingram

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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