Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Noah's wife page 18

Noah's wife page 18 by ric gustafson

As my family and I wait for the water to recede, we take care of the animals. I noticed green on the mountaintop. I cannot wait to put my feet on it.
One day, my husband walks over to me smiling. " Send out a dove".
I gave him a worried look. " Doves cannot find their way home after they have flown so far".
My husband puts a scrawny raven on his finger and opens the door. He lifts his finger into the air and the bird quietly flew away into the sky. " Bring us something from a tree".
" I hope he comes back" I muttered out loud. I was concerned because he was the only unclean raven we had on the boat.
Days passed with no sign of the raven returning. My husband gives me a concerned stare. " Send out the shiny eyed dove". She flies off  Noah's finger and then returns later. She flies off again and then returns with an olive branch in her beak. She flies away a third time but this time does not return.
" Wife, it will not be long now".
After eighty days of the dove not returning, my husband walks up to me after praying to God for guidance. " God commands us that we wait until the water returns to the Sea".

research help: ' Sinners and the Sea' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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