Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Noah's wife page 13

Noah's wife page 13 by ric gustafson

It took seven moons for my husband and sons to build the boat. I began to fear the coming sea.
" Do not fear". He gave me a hug. " It will only last forty days and forty nights".
One day, someone in the crowd began to chant. " Tear off her scarf and you will see that she is a devil".
One morning, my husband came back from praying all night. " We must hurry because we only have seven days".
Noah instructed us on which animals could enter the boat.
" We can only take two of each unclean animal".
I noticed that some came in packs.
" We can only take seven pairs of animals such as oxen, sheep, goats, gazelles and mountain sheep".
One day after all the animals were safely inside the boat, my husband talked to his sons.
" Dismantle the ramp and never leave the rope ladder down".
Townspeople tried to get into the boat using their own ladders.
Noah pointed a finger at them. " No one but us can come aboard".

research help: ' Sinners and the Sea' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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