Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Noah's wife page 14

Noah's wife page 14 by ric gustafson

Black clouds appeared making it look like night. The dark clouds surrounded the sky and snuffed out the light. Townspeople ran in all directions to avoid the dark and heavy rainclouds. The wind from all directions hit the boat. As townspeople tried to get into the boat using whatever means possible, my sons kept pushing them back overboard.
I could hear the thunder and the sea falling from the sky. I could hear the cries and screams of those who are going to die. Noah and I watch as the world around us ends. After a while, the rise of the sea makes our boat rise up. We see people on rafts trying to stay alive.
Noah and I both pray that God will keep us and this boat safe.

research help: ' Sinners and the Sea' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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