Monday, February 3, 2014

Noah's wife page 12

Noah's wife page 12 by ric gustafson

As I watched my sons help their father with the boat, I noticed Ham gazing up into the clouds. Something about the boat was bothering me. " Husband, why is their no rudder?".
Noah smiled at me. " God will be our rudder".
The more the boat took shape, the jeering crowd kept getting larger and louder.
" Noah, where is the sea that this boat will sail on?".
Noah gave them a stern stare. " The storm clouds will come".
One day, Noah's cousin Manosh brought more gopher wood. He pushed through the crowd with his mammoth. " Noah, this is the last of the gopher wood from our land".
My husband and my three sons worked on the boat as quick as possible. My husband could sense that time was running out. Manosh had brought slaves to help us build the boat. My husband said that they could help until the hull was completed. After Manosh and the slaves left, the large crowd of onlookers came back.
One day, My husband and I were staring at the large almost completed boat.
" One day, God will drown the entire world except us".

research help: ' Sinners and the Sea' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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