Monday, February 10, 2014

Noah's wife page 17

Noah's wife page 17 by ric gustafson

As I gaze at the water below, I wonder if we are the only ones left. I turn my head but only see water. It seems that our boat is the only thing left on this earth. I began to think that we were the only ones saved. I walk out and unwrap the scarf that was around my head. The mark on my forehead does not bother me any longer. I threw the scarf into the water.
My husband was on the floor kneeling and praying.
" Husband, when will this be all over?".
He got up and gave me a hug. " I feel like I have aged a 100 years since this started".
" Husband, you look tired".
" I am" he said as his eyes tiredly stared around the boat. " He will not let me go until our work is completely done".
One day as I walked to the ramp under the deck, I feel a huge crash. I fell to the floor of the second level. ' What is going on' I wondered as I slowly stood up.
Ham walks over to me. " We have come to rest on top of a mountain".
" Son, I don't see it".
" Mother, it is beneath us".

research help: ' Sinners and the Sea' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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