Friday, February 28, 2014

crimes of the century: 9/11

crimes of the century: 9/11 by ric gustafson

On September 11 2001, the dawn was breaking on a beautiful autumn day. At 7:59 am, Flight 11 from Boston's Logan International Airport took off for Los Angeles with 92 on board. Around 8:15 am, Flight 175 left Logan for Los Angeles with 65 crew and passengers. At 8:42 am, Flight 93 left from Newark International Airport heading for San Francisco with 44 on board.
At 8:46 am, Flight 11 slammed into the North Tower of the Manhattan World Trade Center. At 9:03 am, Flight 175 was heading south toward New Jersey over the New York harbor. Then it made a hairpin U-turn and flew into the southeast corner of the South Tower. At 9:37 am, Flight 77 flew toward Washington DC and hit the western end of the Pentagon Building. All 64 people on board died as well as 125 Pentagon workers.
Those aboard Flight 93 heading west heard what was happening in New York and knew that they were next. Passenger Todd Beamer led others into the hijacked cockpit and a struggle started. One of the hijackers forced the plane to crash in Somerset County Pa at 10:07 am. All aboard were killed.
At 9:59 am, the South Tower collapsed. At 10:20 am, the North Tower came down in a pall of smoke and dust. The death toll was enormous. 2,606 died in the towers, 343 firefighters died trying to get people out of the towers, 72 police officers, 125 were lost at the Pentagon and 246 died on the planes.
The 19 skyjackers were identified as members of al-Qaeda.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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