Thursday, February 6, 2014

Noah's wife page 15

Noah's wife page 15 by ric gustafson

When the Sea has been rough, we bail out water. We eat when we can and hold on for dear life. When we do feed the animals, I feel sadness. Nobody knows what time it is or what day it is. I am tired but cannot sleep. I am starved but too nauseated to eat much other than a few nuts.
Noah gathered us together. " We must protect this boat even though God is protecting us".
Later, my husband and I were resting on blankets listening to the animals and the crashing of the Sea. " Wife, I pray that our sons will stay away from wickedness".
" Husband, we have good boys". Later, I look at our faces and notice how gaunt they look.
I think about townspeople that we knew. I wonder what happened to them. I smiled at my husband. " There is one thing I wish more than anything else".
" What is that wife?".
" Husband, do not let me die without a name".

research help: ' Sinners and the Sea' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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