Friday, February 14, 2014

I'll Have A Cup page 1

I'll Have A Cup page 1 by ric Gustafson

Davis Armison stopped at the red light.
" I'm thirsty" Darlene Armison replied as she clung tight to her tiny red purse. " Can we stop for a cup of coffee?".
" Sure". He looked around as he kept a glance at the light. " I don't know this part of town very well".
" There" she pointed toward a strip mall on the right. " There's a place called ' I'll Have A Cup'".
The light turned green and Davis turned to the right. He stopped the blue jeep in an empty stall near the front door of the small store.
They got out and walked toward the front door.
" That's strange" she said as she glanced at the lack of cars in the stalls.
" What's that".
" I'm surprised there aren't very many cars here for a Saturday morning".
Davis opened the glass door.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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