Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Why? trusting God alone

Why? trusting God alone by ric gustafson

As God's people, do we believe in miracles?. Jesus called miracles 'signs' to draw attention to them as a means to a greater end. Miracles or signs show us that God is teaching. Sometimes we search desperately for a miracle. We search hard when we are suffering physically, emotionally or mentally. Jesus's biggest miracle is the raising of Lazarus from the dead. This miracle is also about Martha's change from faith to trust. Jesus said ' take away the stone'. Is there a stone keeping you in sin and spiritual death?. Jesus told Martha to roll away the stone.
Like Martha, we need to obedient to God and roll away our stone. Are we missing joy and glory because we refuse to roll our stone away?. Jesus revealed to Martha that he was the resurrection and the life. He proclaimed that anyone who believes in him will live.
Even though we ask why?, we need to trust God alone that he is enough.

research help: ' Why?' by Anne Graham Lotz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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