Friday, January 31, 2014

attributes of God: the sovereignty of God

attributes of God: the sovereignty of God by ric gustafson

Why do we worship God?. The reason is that he is before all things, he created all things, he is above all things and he is in control of all things. That is why we believe in and worship him. He is infinite, eternal, he is over all and worthy above all.
God is the Alpha and Omega and he alone is immortal. He created everything in heaven and on earth. He sustains everything and held together by his Word. He is above all things and knows all things. He knows everything and is not a limited God. He can do all things and nothing is impossible for him. He accomplishes all things and rules over all things. Above all, he is in control of all things. Because God is sovereign, he is without equal. How has God revealed his sovereignty, through his titles, through history, through fulfilled prophecy, through his Son Jesus. How do we respond to a sovereign God?, we bow before him, we believe that he is totally in our lives, we behold his majesty and his mystery and reflect in his Word.

research help: ' God as he longs for you to see him' by Chip Ingram

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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