Friday, September 6, 2013

Titanic couples: Victor and Pepita Penasco

Titanic couples: Victor and Pepita Penasco by ric gustafson

Victor and Pepita Penasco had the most lavish honeymoon. They traveled to Vienna, Monte Carlo, London and Paris. They stayed in the best hotels and when they ran out of money, Victor used money from his trust fund.
In March 1912, they noticed posters advertising the Titanic. They always wanted to see New York and the ship appealed to them. They booked a first class cabin and a smaller room across the hall for Pepita's maid. Because they were Spanish, they spent a lot of time with others who spoke their language.
At 11:30 pm April 14, they returned to their cabin and Pepita went right to bed. Victor heard an odd noise and went out to find a steward. He saw others go to the Boat Dock so he went back to their cabin and woke up his wife. She put a shawl over her nightdress and they went up to the Boat Deck. At Lifeboat 8, Seaman Thomas Jones told him that women and children were to get in. Victor helped Pepita and Fermina into the boat and then left. The boat was lowered at 1:10 am. On board was twenty four women, one seaman, two stewards and one cook. The next morning, the lifeboat was rescued by the liner Carpathia and Pepita could not find Victor on board.
After six years, Pepita remarried and had three children with her new husband.
She never forgot Victor.

research help: ' Titanic Love Stories' by Gill Paul

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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