Saturday, September 7, 2013

Eva B page 20

Eva B page 20 by ric gustafson

I can't wait for my wedding to Adi. My dress makes my waist look small. It also shows off my firm trim legs. I have dreamed about this day since being a girl in Bavaria. I feel old after all that Adi and I have been through. I am marrying a genius and that is more important than death.
Adi enters wearing a uniform with an Iron Cross on the left side.
I smile. " It's bad luck to see your bride before the wedding".
He grins and then hands me some capsules. " These were given to me by Himmler".
I look at  them in my right hand.
" First, I have to test them".
He walks over to the dog bunker where canine handler Fritz Tornow is holding Blondi's leash. He carefully opens Blondi's mouth, puts the capsule in and crushes the cyanide capsule against her teeth. The german shepherd fell over dead and the Fuhrer stood up and left in tears satisfied that the capsules worked.

research help: ' The Patient Ecstasy of Fraulein Braun' by Lavonne Mueller

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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