Thursday, September 19, 2013

Line 1 2013 page 3

Line 1 2013 page 3 by ric gustafson

" Thank you Jesse". The voice hesitated. " First of all, I hate you pathetic God created humans".
Jesse stared at Marci. " I beg your pardon".
" I despise all of you and the God who created you".
Jesse took a sip of coffee. " Why?".
" Because I strive to make your pathetic lives miserable in hope that you will ignore God and spend all of eternity with me".
Jesse touched his bible. " Father of lives, I am happy to say that I am a follower of Jesus".
" Happy". The voice loudly cackled. " Give me a break".
" I am".
" I don't know why".
" Because I have peace in my heart".
" Peace". The voice cackled again. " I fill your days and nights with temptations and like idiots you fall for them all the time".
" I pray and repent of all of my sins that I commit".
" Pray". The voice cackled louder. " Prayer is just a stupid ritual that was started by your pathetic God".
" I pray and read my bible every day".
" Like a roaring lion, I want to devour you and try to keep you away from that stupid book called a bible".
" I have read that you were once a beautiful and respected angel".
The voice got quiet. " That's true, my name was once Lucifer".
" And now your name means adversary".
" Yes, I am God's adversary and proud of it".
A thought came to Jesse. " Can you explain to my audience your great fall?".
" Sure".

research help: ' Interview with the Devil' by Russell Wight

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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