Sunday, September 29, 2013

through the eyes of a child revision page 3

through the eyes of a child revision page 3 by ric gustafson

Kelly put two small burgundy suitcases by the front door.
Her friend and roommate Jessica came out of her room. She noticed the yellow and white jogging  outfit she was wearing." I thought you were going to start for home".
" I'm going to go for a quick jog" she replied as she adjusted her red ball cap. " Then I'll shower and head for home".
Jessica walked over and gave her friend a hug. " I need to go to the library to study for my final exam". She smiled and then picked up her blue backpack. " Enjoy your summer and tell your parents hello". She opened the door and walked out.
Kelly glanced at the clock on the kitchen counter. ' 8:00, just enough time for a quick jog' she thought.
She smiled to herself as she walked into the small bathroom and turned on the light. Peace came into her heart as she turned on the water to brush her teeth. She was looking forward to seeing her parents.

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