Tuesday, September 3, 2013

the Birds of the Bible Museum page 7

the Birds of the Bible Museum page 7 by ric gustafson

One of the girls ran up to the next exhibit. She pointed. " What kind of bird is that?".
She smiled. " These small birds are called quail".
" It really is a small bird" the mother replied as she held onto one of the girls tiny hands.
" Yes, actually it is the size of a pigeon".
" As I remember from the bible" the father said as he thought for a moment. " Wasn't quail used as food?".
" Yes, at one point the children of Israel were complaining in the Wilderness".
" Why were they doing that?".
" They were complaining that they did not have enough meat to eat".
" So what did God do?".
Betty smiled. " God took care of the situation".
The wife smiled. " So what did God do?".
" He sent into their camp all the quail that they could eat".

research help: christiansunite.com

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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