Monday, September 2, 2013

the Forgotten page 3

the Forgotten page 3 by ric gustafson

Maynard gave Captain Muncie a hopeful look. " I need a job".
" Great, I could use the help today". He pulled up the anchor and started the boat.
Maynard took care of the jetty ropes and the boat eased into the harbor. The boat started heading into the deeper water. As the boat headed into deeper water, Maynard joined the Captain in the steering booth.
" Captain, where are we going?".
Captain Muncie lit up his worn black pipe. " My boss has instructed me to take this boat to the deepest part of the sea".
After a period of time, Captain Muncie slowed the boat and it seemed to Maynard as if they were in the middle of nowhere. He cut the motor, dropped the anchor and smiled at Maynard. " Ready to go to work".
" Sure".
The Captain went below, opened the cargo hold and the lift. The lift carried up some heavy black bags up to the deck. " Let's put the bags by the edge of the boat".
Maynard noticed that each bag had a small tag on it. It read ' past sins'.
" Let's get started".
The Captain and Maynard began to throw the bags overboard.
After what seemed like a long time, they threw the last bag into the water.
" That's it Maynard" Captain Muncie exclaimed as he put the lift down and closed the cargo hold. He pulled up the anchor and started the engine.
As the boat slowly steered for home, Maynard wondered something.
" Captain Muncie, why did we just throw all those bags overboard?".
" My boss told me a long time ago". He gave Maynard a loving look. " Past sins are forgotten, thrown into the deepest sea and remembered no more".
Maynard pondered that thought as the ' Forgotten' headed for home.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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