Monday, September 30, 2013

through the eyes of a child revision page 4

through the eyes of a child revision page 4 by ric gustafson

Kelly panted as she sat down on the hard wooden bench. She had to rest for a moment. She had jogged around this trail many times and knew this was the half way point. As she tried to catch her breath, she watched other joggers go by. The trail was popular with joggers, bike riders and those wanting to just take a walk.
As her breath returned, she noticed a plain white van approach the nearby curb. A short pudgy man who wore heavy glasses got out and crossed the driveway toward her.
" Hello Miss".
She did not recognize him. " What can I do for you?".
He grinned. " Are you a student at the college?".
" I am".
" Great". He pointed toward the van. " I was wondering if you would come to the back of the van and give me an opinion on my new college license plates".
She hesitated. She was told by her parents many times to stay away from strangers. He looked honest enough. " Ok". She walked with him to the back of the van.
" You'll need to bend down to see it good".
As she bent down, she felt something hit the back of her head. The impact made her see stars. She began to lose consciousness and the last thing she remembered was the back door of the van opening.
As he hurridly put her in the van, the wind picked up and a business card came out of one of his shirt pockets. As he quickly closed the back van doors, the business card flew onto the jogging trail.

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