Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Line 1 2013 page 5

Line 1 2013 page 5 by ric gustafson

Jesse fingered his bible. " Job loved God".
The voice cackled. " That pathetic little man".
" There is an entire book in the bible written about him".
" Jesse, do your listeners really want to know about him?".
" I'm sure they would".
The voice hesitated. " First of all, I have an army of spirits who inform me of everything going on with you two legged pathetic beings".
" Demons".
" Yes, and usually they report to me that someone is worshipping me instead of your stupid God".
" Not everyone".
" When I hear that someone is following your moronic God, then I return to my former home".
" Heaven".
The voice cackled. " That is what you call it".
" Why do you have to go there if you hate God?".
" Sometimes I am summoned by your stupid God to give an account of my activities".
" And what do you tell God?".
" I inform him that it is my intention to destroy all two legged humans who love and serve him".
" And that's why Job came into the picture".
" Yes".

research help: ' Interview with the Devil' by Russell Wight

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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