Friday, May 31, 2024

Violet Jessop page 2

 Violet Jessop page 2 by ric gustafson

" There you are" Ann exclaimed as Violet entered the crew cabin. " I was just about to send out a search party".
" I was watching a newlywed couple on the promenade".
" Probably Mr and Mrs Marvin". Using a hammer, Ann tagged a calendar to the bulkhead.
" Wasn't that calendar our gift for the New Year?".
" It sure was". Ann put an x through today's date. " In seven days, we will be at Pier 59 in New York".
Violet thought for a moment. " And then 7 days later, we will be back here".
Ann watched as Violet began to unpack her trunk. " Is Mrs Astor as beautiful as you predicted her to be?".
" Actually the opposite". Violet frowned. " She seemed quiet, pale and sad faced".
" How could she be miserable on the arm of the richest man on this ship?".
" Hopefully my situation will improve one day".
Ann stood up. She gave Violet a hug. " It will".

research help: ' Unsinkable' by Jenni L Walsh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric 

Violet Jessop page 1

 Violet Jessop page 1 by ric gustafson

Violet Jessop heard the final horn. She knew it was noon on April 10 1912. It was departure time for the Titanic. She heard a noise in the corridor. It was her work mate Ann. Just like Violet, she had an armful of  tulips, peonies and dahlias. 
" Violet, which cabin are we taking these flowers to?".
" C-62-64".
They walked down a corridor toward the C Deck cabins. They stopped at C-62-64. 
Ann glanced at the cabin number. " This is the Astors cabin".
Violet knocked. They were not there. The two walked in and set up the flowers around the cabin.
As they left, Ann looked around the cabin. " Everything looks Louis XV".
In the hallway, they see Stanley. The old steward had worked with Violet on two previous ships.
Stanley smiled. " We just got lucky".
Violet grinned. " What do you mean?".
" We almost collided with the SS New York".

research help: ' Unsinkable' by Jenni L Walsh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 42: 6-24

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 42: 6-24 by ric gustafson

" Who are you?". Joseph pointed at his brothers. " Where do you come from?".
" We've come from Canaan to buy food".
" No you didn't". Joseph pointed at them. " You're spies".
" No, we are twelve brothers". They bowed their heads. " One has died one is at home".
" You must prove to me you are not spies". Joseph frowned at his brothers. " You must bring your youngest brother here".
The brothers were locked up.
Three days later, the brothers faced Joseph again.
" One must remain". Joseph's voice hesitated. " The others may leave with your food for your families".
The brothers bowed to Joseph.
" Someone must bring your youngest brother back to me". Joseph frowned again. " Then I will know you are not spies". Joseph looked at Simeon. " You must stay".
The brothers left. 
Outside, Reuben pointed a finger at his brothers. " This happened because of what you did to Joseph".
Filled with emotion, Joseph began to cry.

research help: ' 365 Bed Time Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 6

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 6 by ric gustafson

" Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send the old man so that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off my tongue". Lloyd began to plead. " I am in agony in this flame".
" Child, remember that during your life you received your good things and Lazarus had his things". The voice hesitated. " Now he is being comforted and you are in agony".
The lack of water was beginning to affect Lloyd.
" Besides between you and me is a great chasm". Father Abraham pointed. " Those who wish to come over from here to you cannot". The voice hesitated. " None can cross over from there to us".
" Then I beg that you send the old man to my father's house and warn my five brothers not to come to this place of torment".
" They have Moses and the Prophets, let them hear them".
Lloyd thought for a moment. " No Father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent".
" If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets". The voice again hesitated. " Neither will be persuaded if someone rises from the dead".

The End.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 41:46-42:7

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 41:46-42:7 by ric gustafson

When Joseph was 30, he began to serve Pharaoh. When the crops were good, Joseph saved food. During that time, Joseph married and had two sons. Their names were Manasseh and Ephraim. When the bad years started, the people went to Pharaoh for food. He told them to go to Joseph. Everyone came to Joseph for food.
In Canaan, Jacob heard of the food in Egypt. He told his sons to go to Egypt and buy food before they all starve. All the brothers except Benjamin went to Egypt.
One day, Joseph's brothers came to see him. They wanted to buy food. They bowed before their brother. They did not know the person they were bowing to was their brother Joseph.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Reluctant Beatle page 4

 the Reluctant Beatle page 4 by ric gustafson

George rode to school on the number 86 bus. The driver of the bus was George's father Harold. During the hour long trip, George struck a friendship with a student a year older than he was. That student's name was Paul McCartney.
George and Paul began to bond over music. For a small and shy boy, Paul loved George's guitar. Paul liked the way George dressed. George wore a check patterned sports coat. A white shirt with pleats down the front. George also wore black suede shoes.
As time went on, George and Paul had more to talk about. They talked about their mothers. Above all, they talked about music. They talked about rock and roll, Elvis, Little Richard and Gene Vincent.
In 1956, the McCartney family moved to 20 Forthlin Road Allerton. Even though the two did not ride the bus together anymore, they stayed friends. In October 1956, Paul needed a friend. During that month, Paul's mother died. Paul was only 14.

research help: ' George Harrison the Reluctant Beatle' by Philip Norman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 5

 Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 5 by ric gustafson

Lloyd and Fred walked out of the underground parking elevator. 
" Lloyd, you haven't stopped smiling since hearing the news about the old man".
" I can't help it". He put his hand on the door of his Lexus. Just then, chest discomfort made him slump to the ground. " Fred, call 911".
Lloyd's eyes began to close. " I feel like I'm dying".
Lloyd opened his eyes. He glanced around the pitch black room. ' Where am I' he wondered. The unknown began to invade his thoughts. He could see a window on the side wall. He inched toward it. He was already thirsty. What bothered Lloyd the most was that he was beginning to feel totally alone. As if God had totally left him. He was becoming aware of being in a continous flame. 
He stared through the tiny window. He could not believe what he was seeing. He could see Father Abraham holding in his arms the old man from his work gate.
Thirst and the constant flame was already beginning to drive him mad.

research help: ric gustafson story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

True Grit page 17

 True Grit page 17 by ric gustafson

" How much is she paying you?".
Cogburn looked at Maddie. " Enough".
" Is she paying you $500 dollars?".
" No".
" That is what the Governor of Texas is offering for Chelmsford".
I gave LaBoeuf a stern stare. " Chaney".
Cogburn looked at Maddie. " I will stick with sis".
" The Bibbs family is putting up $1500 for Chelmsford".
" Chaney". I stomped my foot. " That was not our agreement".
Cogburn grinned. " How would we split the money?".
" If we catch him, I'll split the $1500 with you".
Cogburn frowned. " And if we have to kill him?".
" I'll give you $500". He stared at Maddie. " Either way, it's more than what she is paying you".
I stomped my foot louder. " I have already paid you cash money".
" I need to think about my cash flow baby sister".
I put my hand out. " Give me back my $25 dollars"/
Cogburn lowered his head. " I already spent it".
I walked toward the door. " You have not heard the last of Maddie Ross".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 27, 2024

come and see page 7

come and see page 7 by ric gustafson

Philip walked into his friend's house. Nathanael was sitting on his bed.
" Nathanael". Philip stared at his friend. " He is the one".
Nathanael laughed. " You said that about the Baptizer".
" This time I am sure".
" Who is he?".
" Jesus of Nazareth".
" Nazareth". Nathanael laughed. " Can anything good come out of Nazareth?".
Philip smiled. " Come and see".
Thirty minutes later.
" Jesus, this is my friend Nathanael".
" Yes". Jesus smiled. " The truthteller".
Nathanael gave Jesus a puzzled stare. " How do you know me?".
Jesus smiled again. " I saw you under the fig tree".
" Rabbi". Nathanael grinned. " I believe you are the Son of God".
" Follow me".

research help: ' The Chosen Come and See' by Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 4

 Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 4 by ric gustafson

Fred Jones pulled up to the security booth. Gordon smiled and opened the gate. " Morning Mr Jones".
" Morning Gordon". He looked toward the fence. He frowned. " Gordon, what happened to the old man?".
" It was the strangest thing". He frowned. " When I walked into the booth, I noticed the old man had slumped over".
" What happened?".
" I called 911 and then ran over to him".
" Were you able to?".
" No, he died in my arms". Gordon frowned again. " Then the strangest thing happened".
" What was that Gordon?".
" As he died in my arms". He smiled. " I thought I heard angels singing".

research help: ric gustafson story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 3

 Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 3 by ric gustafson

Lloyd put down his half eaten sandwich. He took a sip from a diet coke. He was staring at the old man. " That is a pitiful sight".
Fred Jones bit into a potato chip. " He's not bothering anybody". He tried to change the subject. " So what are your plans this weekend?".
" I'm going to play golf with three of my five brothers".
Fred grinned. " That should be interesting".
Lloyd put a hand on his chest.
" What's wrong Lloyd?".
" I've been having some chest discomfort lately". He took another sip of his diet coke. " It comes and it goes".
" You should get yourself checked out". He stood up from the picnic table and threw his plastic sack into a nearby trash can.
" Ok". Lloyd stood up and threw away his garbage. He felt some chest discomfort as he stared at the old man. He walked back to his office.

research help: ric gustafson story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

come and see page 6

 come and see page 6 by ric gustafson

Philip was tending the fire. Because he was new to the group, he had the first watch of the fire. Then he heard a noise. He stood up. Somebody was approaching the fire. Philip smiled. He recognized the stranger. 
" Shalom". Jesus spoke in a quiet voice. " I'm glad to see you".
" I'm Philip".
Jesus nodded. " I remember your face".
Philip stared at Jesus. " You do?".
Jesus smiled. " You were standing with Andrew the day I was baptized by John".
" John sends you his greetings".
Jesus grinned. " How is my cousin?".
" His reputation is down but his spirits are up".
Jesus looked at Philip. " Follow me".
" I will".
Philip looked around. " Why are you here in Bashan?".
" We are on our way to Caesarea Philippi".

research help: ' The Chosen Come and See' by Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Reluctant Beatle page 3

 the Reluctant Beatle page 3 by ric gustafson

One day in 1956, George bought a record called ' Rock Island Line'. The singer was a jazz banjo player named Lonnie Donegan. The music he played was called skiffle. The song went right up to the top of the British chart. It even reached the US top ten. Skiffle had a big effect on George. Skiffle offered images of America to George. Images such as freight trains, chain gangs and New Orleans. The guitar was key to skiffle instruments. A skiffle songbook was a simple three chords of 12 bar blues.
George wanted a guitar. His sister Louise got him a Spanish style model. He played it all the time. He took lessons from a friend named Len Houghton. George was taught basic chords C, D and G7. George bought a guitar manual written by Bert Weedon.
George's first girlfriend was Iris Caldwell. She was 12. George was 14. Iris's brother Alan was in a skiffle group called the Raving Texans. George's guitar from his sister was not enough for a skiffle group.
George needed a bigger and better guitar. His parents bought him a Hofner guitar.

research help: ' George Harrison the Reluctant Beatle' by Philip Norman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 2

 Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 2 by ric gustafson

Lloyd pushed the button for line 1. " Good morning Police Chief Littler". His voice hesitated. " Were you able to find out anything based on what we discussed?".
" Mr Tucker" replied the voice on the phone. " I checked with City Attorney Boysen".
" And what did he say?".
" The old man can stay as long as he doesn't bother anybody".
" He bothers me Chief Littler". Lloyd sighed. " He wears tattered rags for clothes and he is covered by sores".
" Mr Tucker, seriously does he bother anybody?".
" No, I have had no complaints".
" What bothers you about him?".
" For one thing, dogs come up and lick his sores".
" Mr Tucker, it is obvious you don't want him there".
" That is correct Chief Littler".
" According to city law, outside of your security gate is city property".
" So as long as he's not bothering anybody, he can stay there".
" That is correct Mr Tucker".
" Thank you Chief Littler".
Lloyd loudly hung up the phone.

research help: a ric gustafson story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 20, 2024

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 1

 Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 1 by ric gustafson

Lloyd Tucker turned on the left blinker. He looked over at the security gate. He frowned. The old man was again lying by the gate. He pulled up to the gate. He stopped at an old red security shack. A familiar person came out.
Lloyd lowered the window. " Good morning Gordon".
" Good morning Mr Tucker". The middle aged security guard smiled. He pushed the gate button.
" Gordon, has that old man been causing any trouble?".
" No, Mr Tucker". The gate went up. " He just lies there he causes no problems".
Lloyd drove into the underground parking lot. He parked in his designated spot. He got out. He walked into the elevator. It stopped on the 19th floor. 
Lloyd walked up to the new receptionist. " Good morning Rhonda".
" Morning Mr Tucker".
Lloyd began to walk toward his office.
Rhonda took a call. She raised a hand. " Excuse me Mr Tucker".
Lloyd turned. " Yes Rhonda".
" There is a phone call for you on line 1".

research help: ric gustafson story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

True Grit page 16

 True Grit page 16 by ric gustafson

I walked to the back of the store. I noticed someone sitting across from Marshal Cogburn. I frowned. It was LaBoeuf. " What are you doing here?".
" Hidy". He smiled. " I'm having a conversation with the Marshal".
" This jaybird calls himself LaBoeuf". Cogburn grinned. " He claims to be a Texas Ranger".
" I know who he is".
" He's looking for the same man we are".
" I told him at the boardinghouse that we were not interested in his help".
Cogburn stared at Maddie. " He wants to throw in with us".
I shook my head. " He has gone behind my back".
Cogburn looked at the two of us. " What happened baby sister?".
" We don't need him".
" I don't know about that". Cogburn sat back in his chair. " His Sharps carbine might come in handy".
" I have my horse and everything is ready". I stared at Cogburn. " We don't need him".
" I must have the wrong man Cogburn". LaBoeuf shook his head. " You let little girls hooraw you?".
Out of his good right eye, Cogburn gave the Texan a cold stare. " You watch your mouth LaBoeuf".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 19, 2024

come and see page 5

 come and see page 5 by ric gustafson

A Samaritan trader threw rocks at Jesus, James and John. 
John exclaimed. " Master, let us do something to him?".
Jesus frowned. " And what would that achieve?".
James replied. " It would defend your honor".
" Quiet James".
John spoke up. " They deserve fire from heaven".
Jesus stared at John. " Fire?".
" Look at Photina?". Jesus smiled. " What we do here will last for generations".
Both James and John hung their heads.
" Sorry Master" replied John.
" Sorry Master" replied James.
" You two are like a storm on the sea". Jesus grinned. " From now on I'm going to call you James and John the Sons of Thunder".

research help: ' the Chosen Come and See' by Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

True Grit page 15

 True Grit page 15 by ric gustafson

I walked over to Stonehill's office. He was wrapped in a shawl. I sat down next to him.
" I was just told a young girl fell into a well on the Towson Road". He sighed. " I thought perhaps it was you".
" No, it was not".
He shook his head. " I am not surprised".
" I would like to take one of the ponies off your hands".
" And which one is that?".
" The black one with the white stockings in front". I smiled. " I am going to call him Little Blackie".
Stonehill scratched his chin in thought. " What is your offer?".
" I will pay the market price of ten dollars a head".
Stonehill shook his head. " I paid you twenty dollars a head this morning".
" That was the market price this morning".
Stonehill sold me the pony for eighteen dollars.
The smith filed his hoofs and nailed shoes on him.
Later, I decided to go over to Lee's store.

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, May 18, 2024

come and see page 4

 come and see page 4 by ric gustafson

Jesus looked around the Samarian square. He had love in his eyes. He glanced over at a nearby booth. Sitting there was Photina and her fifth husband Nedim. Jesus smiled at them. 
" God looks for the sick more than the healthy". Jesus looked around. " Are there any shepherds here?".
A young man raised a hand. " I am".
" How many sheep do you have?".
" One hundred Teacher".
" If one of them goes astray". Jesus smiled. " What would you do?".
The young man scratched his chin. " Of course I would go look for it".
" And the other ninety nine?".
" I'd have to leave them behind". The young man smiled. " I can't lose one sheep".
" And if you find it?".
" I will rejoice and bring it home".
" I tell you". Jesus looked at the crowd. " Heaven rejoices over one sinner who repents". Jesus's voice hesitated. " Then 99 who need no repentance".

research help: ' the Chosen Come and See' by Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

come and see page 3

 come and see page 3 by ric gustafson

" How about you Nathanael?".
" Philip said to me come and see". He smiled. " So I did".
" Anything else?".
" I was sitting under a fig tree". He thought for a moment. " He knew my name".
John asked questions to Andrew, Thaddeus, Little James, Mary Magdalene and Matthew.
" Thank you all". He looked around the room. " I'm just writing it all down".
Everyone left.
Mary glanced at the notes. " Where is your story going to start?".
" I'm not sure". John frowned. " Probably at the very beginning".
Mary grinned. " Remember one thing".
" What's that?".
" My son said my words will never pass away".

research help: ' the Chosen Come and See' by Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 17, 2024

come and see page 2

 come and see page 2 by ric gustafson

John looked at the burly fisherman. " Tell me about meeting the Master for the first time?".
" At first, I did not know who it was".
" You were on Andrew's old boat".
" At first I refused his help". Peter sighed. " Then he performed a miracle right in front of me".
" What happened?".
" It was a bad night of fishing". He sighed again. " Then he provided a catch of fish that almost capsized the boat".
" Then what happened?".
" I fell at his feet". A tear came to Peter's eyes. " I said depart from me I am a sinful man".
" Then what did he tell you?".
" Follow me" The burly fisherman smiled. " You will become a fisher of men".
" How about you Thomas?".
" I met the Master when my career and reputation was about to be destroyed". Thomas grinned. " I remember the wedding at Cana".
John smiled. " When water was turned to wine".

research help: ' The Chosen Come and See' by Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 16, 2024

come and see page 1

 come and see page 1 by ric gustafson

John looked out the window of his home. It was late afternoon. His heart was heavy with grief. His brother James had been recently slain by a sword. This was at the direction of King Herod Agrippa.
Mary walked over to John. " Patience, they'll be here".
John looked out the window again. It had started raining. " But the rain".
" They walked three years with my son". She smiled. " A little rain won't hurt them".
An hour later, everyone invited had come. Their feet were washed. They sat down by a fire.
" I have my notes". John showed the pages to the others. " I wanted to ask you some questions about Jesus our Master".
Matthew looked at John. " Did you want to talk about your brother tonight?".
" No, I want to talk about Jesus tonight". John smiled at Peter. " Peter, can I start with you tonight?".
" Sure".

research help: ' The Chosen Come and See' by Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

the Reluctant Beatle page 2

 the Reluctant Beatle page 2 by ric gustafson

George started school at the Anglican Dovedale Road Infants. This was in Mossley Hill. The school was close to a thoroughfare named Penny Lane. George was sociable and sporty. At the age of eight, George began going to an all boys primary school. George observed one student in particular. He was a class clown and a rule breaker. His name was John Lennon.
In 1950, the Harrison family moved to 25 Upton Green Speke. The home was a modern mid terrace house. It contained three bedrooms, a bathroom and an indoor toilet.
George's father Harold came home once from a transatlantic trip with a wind up gramophone. George and Louise would listen over and over to wax discs of Jimmie Rodgers, Josh White and Slim Whitman. 
In 1954 at age 11, George won a scholarship to the Liverpool Institute High School for Boys. George hated it there. At age 12 in 1955, George began listening to a group called Bill Haley and the Comets. Their song ' Rock Around The Clock' was climbing up the British Pop Chart. After getting a record player, George began listening to Elvis Presley records.

research help: ' George Harrison the Reluctant Beatle' by Philip Norman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

True Grit page 14

 True Grit page 14 by ric gustafson

My voice got louder. " That was part of the deal".
" I cannot go up against Ned Pepper's gang and look after baby sister at the same time".
" I am not a baby". I stamped my foot in protest. " You do not need to worry about me".
" You will slow me down". Cogburn's voice got louder. " You will get in my way".
I smiled. " I am a good rider".
" I will be traveling fast and eating light".
I gave Marshal Cogburn an agreement. I gave him 25 dollars. I agreed to give him 25 more when we departed. On completion of the job, I agreed to give him 50 more. He signed it.
" When can we leave?".
" We will cross the ferry at first light tomorrow".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 41: 37-45

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 41: 37-45 by ric gustafson

Pharaoh looked at his servants. " Can we find anyone like this young man?". His voice hesitated. " The spirit of God is in him".
Pharaoh stared at Joseph, " There is no one wiser than you".
Joseph was humbled. 
" You shall be in charge of my palace and my country".
Pharaoh gave his own ring to Joseph. The best clothes were given to Joseph. A gold chain was placed on Joseph's neck. Joseph rode in his own chariot. Every place he went, people bowed down to Joseph.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 13, 2024

the Reluctant Beatle page 1

 the Reluctant Beatle page 1 by ric gustafson

George Harrison was born on Feb 25 1943. George's parents were Harold and Louise . George's birthplace was Wavertree number 12 Arnold Grove. Today it is in private ownership. Fans from all over the world need to worship it from the outside pavement. Three other siblings were born in that house. A daughter named Louise. George had two brothers. Harry in 1934. Peter in 1940.
George's father registered his name. The Harrison home was a tiny mid terrace home. The house in Liverpool had two cramped rooms downstairs and two upstairs. Family life was spent in the back kitchen living room. This space was no more than ten feet by ten. There was only an iron grate for heating. The house did not have a bathroom or an indoor toilet.
George's father Harold Harrison was a First Class steward with the White Star Line. Then at the height of the Depression, he got a job as a driver of one of Liverpool's double deck buses. Unlike the other Beatles, George's upbringing was not marred by trauma.

research help: ' George Harrison the reluctant Beatle' by Philip Norman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 41: 17-36

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 41: 17-36 by ric gustafson

Joseph asked Pharaoh about the dream he had. Pharaoh dreamed about seven skinny cows eating seven fat cows. But the skinny cows were still skinny. Pharaoh also dreamed of seven poor heads of grain eating seven full heads of grain. The seven poor heads remained poor.
Joseph said the two dreams were of the same thing. God is giving Egypt seven years of very good crops. Then there will be seven years with no food. 
Joseph told Pharaoh he should save a part of the good crops to get them through the years of no food. Only if they can do this will the people of Egypt survive.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 12, 2024

True Grit page 13

True Grit page 13 by ric gustafson

Cogburn stared at the currency. " By God, look at that".
" Are you still game?".
Cogburn grinned. " I was born game baby sister".
" How long will it take you to get ready?".
Cogburn looked perplexed. " Ready to go where?".
" To the Indian Territory to get Tom Chaney".
Cogburn scratched his chin. " I forgot our agreement".
" I am paying you 50 dollars to do the job".
" And expenses?".
I smiled. " And 50 dollars for your expenses".
" Now I remember".
" Can we leave this afternoon for the Indian Territory?".
Cogburn frowned. " You are not coming".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 40:23-41:16

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 40:23-41:16 by ric gustafson

For two years, the butler forgot about Joseph. Then Pharaoh one night had some dreams. He did not know what the dreams meant. He wanted to know what those dreams meant. Pharaoh consulted his magicians. They could not interpret his dreams. Then the butler remembered Joseph. 
The butler told Pharaoh a young man was locked in his dungeon. Pharaoh summoned Joseph. Pharaoh asked Joseph if he could interpret his dreams. Joseph said he could not but God could. Joseph told Pharaoh that God could give him the answer.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

True Grit page 12

 True Grit page 12 by ric gustafson

The next morning around 9:00, I went to the stock barn. I exchanged my release for $325 in greenbacks. 
" I hope you can find a buyer for the ponies?".
" From the Pfitzer Soap Works of Little Rock". Stonehill smiled. " I have an offer of ten dollars per head".
I went to Lee's store. I asked Lee if Marshal Cogburn was up yet. He smiled and told me that he was still in bed. I walked through the curtain. When I walked into the room, he woke up.
" Well baby sister, I almost gave up on you" He frowned. " I figured you went on home".
" I'm staying at the Monarch boardinghouse". I reached into my pocket. I took out some folded currency. I showed it to Cogburn. " Here is the money we agreed upon".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Shoah survivors: Stephen Berger

 Shoah survivors: Stephen Berger by ric gustafson

Before Strasshof Concentration Camp, Stephen Berger was a bicycle repairman. When the war ended, he planned to go to Palestine. In Italy, Berger found out his mother was in the US. At age 21, Berger left his friends and came to Brooklyn New York. He married a girl from Brooklyn. He got a job at a machine company in Queens New York. He went to college and earned a degree in mechanical engineering. Berger started a company that designed tools. 
Now at 93, Stephen Berger can speak Hungarian and English. Also he can still make a machine.

research help: ' Invited to Life' by B A Van Sise

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 39:1-40:22

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 39:1-40:22 by ric gustafson

The caravan carrying Joseph traveled south to Egypt. There a man named Potiphar bought Joseph. Potiphar was a leader in Egypt's army. God was with Joseph. Potiphar saw Joseph's good work and liked him. He put Joseph in charge of his whole house. Potiphar's wife lied to her husband about Joseph. Potiphar put Joseph into prison.
Even in prison, God was with Joseph. The jailer began to like Joseph. Soon, the jailer put Joseph in charge of the prison. The king's butler and baker were also in the prison. While they slept, both had dreams. 
They wondered what their dreams mean't. Joseph told them that God will tell him what those dreams mean't. God did that. Joseph told the butler he would be freed from the prison. Joseph asked the butler to remember him when he talked to the king. The baker was told he would be hanged for his crimes.
The dreams of the men came true.

research help: ' 365 Bed Time Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 10, 2024

True Grit page 11

 True Grit page 11 by ric gustafson

LaBoeuf smiled. " Maybe I will throw in with you and your Marshal".
" You'll have to talk to Marshal Cogburn about that"
" It could be to our mutual advantage".
I stared at LaBoeuf. " How so?".
" He knows the land". LaBoeuf grinned. " I know Chelmsford I mean Chaney".
LaBoeuf looked at me. " Tell the Marshal it is a two man job to take him alive".
I looked at the Texas Ranger. " Is it important where he hangs?".
" It is to me".
" I want Chaney to pay for killing my father". My voice got quiet. " I want him to hang in Fort Smith".
" I will have a talk with Marshal Cogburn".
" I will not be bullied".
" I'm still going to talk to Marshal Cogburn".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 9, 2024

True Grit page 10

 True Grit page 10 by ric gustafson

LaBoeuf and I were sitting in the parlor. He took a small photograph out of his coat. He handed it to me. The photograph was wrinkled and dim. I studied it.
" It looks like Tom Chaney".
" Actually his real name is Theron Chelmsford". LaBoeuf frowned. " He shot and killed a state senator in Waco Texas".
" Are you a lawman?".
" I'm a Texas Ranger". He grinned. " I'm working for the family of Senator Bibbs".
" I have already found a man to find Chaney in the Indian Territory".
" May I ask who that is?".
" His name is Cogburn".
LaBoeuf scratched his chin. " Deputy Marshal Cogburn".
" I needed someone with grit". I smiled. " Plus he knows Lucky Ned Pepper and his gang".
LaBoeuf looked at me. " You're going to need a Federal man".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 37:12-35

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 37:12-35 by ric gustafson

Jacob sent Joseph to make sure his brothers were safe and alright. The brothers could see Joseph coming from a long ways away. He was wearing his brightly colored coat. 
One brother pointed. " Look, here comes the dreamer".
Another brother pointed. " Let's kill him". His voice hesitated. " Let's throw his body in a pit".
Another brother spoke up. " We'll say a wild animal ate him".
" Good idea". The brother smiled. " Then we'll see what happens to his dreams".
The oldest son Reuben spoke up. " We will not kill him".
Another brother spoke up. " Then what shall we do with him?".
Reuben thought for a moment. " Let's just throw him in the pit to die".
The brothers stole Joseph's coat. Joseph was dumped into a pit.
Reuben left. A caravan of Ishmaelites came. The brothers sold Joseph to them for 20 pieces of silver. The caravan left for Egypt with Joseph.
" The boy is gone" cried Reuben when he returned. " What shall I do?".
It was decided that they would lie to their father. They stained Joseph's coat with animal blood.
Jacob cried. He loved Joseph.

research help: ' 365 Bed Time Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 37:1-11

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 37:1-11 by ric gustafson

Jacob made peace with his son Esau. He returned to Canaan. Soon another child was born to Rachel. They named him Benjamin. Because of the birth, Rachel died. 
Of all of his sons, Jacob loved Joseph the most. One day, Jacob gave Joseph a beautiful coat of many colors. Joseph's brothers were jealous. They wanted a coat like that. 
One day, Joseph said to his brothers " listen to the dreams I have had". Joseph told his dreams to his brothers. The dreams were that they would bow down to Joseph.
Because of Joseph's dreams, his brothers hated him.

research help: ' 365 Bed Time Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

True Grit page 9

 True Grit page 9 by ric gustafson

I was sitting at the dinner table of the boarding house. The meal was just about over. Then a stranger walked in. He was wearing two revolvers. He asked Mrs Floyd about room and board. The stranger was good looking and around 30 years old. He needed a bath and a shave. He had pale blue eyes and auburn hair. He put his spurs on the dinner table. He put his gun belt on the back of the chair. 
He began to eat. He grinned at me from across the table. " Hidy".
I said nothing.
" I bet your name is Mattie Ross".
I stared at him perplexed. " How do you know that?",
" My name is LaBoeuf". He smiled. " I saw your mother just two days ago".
" What was your business with my mother Mr LaBoeuf?".
" We'll talk about that after I eat". He began to eat. " I am very hungry".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 32: 24-32

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 32: 24-32 by ric gustafson

At one point, Jacob was alone. Then someone grabbed him. They wrestled until dawn. The stranger knew he could not win. So he broke Jacob's hip.
The man said " let me go".
Jacob replied. " I won't let you go unless you bless me".
" What is your name?".
" Jacob".
" Not anymore" the man replied. " It is now Israel".
Jacob could not figure out what was going on. " Why?".
" Because you have wrestled with God". The man smiled. " And have won".
" What is your name?".
" Why do you want to know?". The man blessed Jacob.
Then Jacob knew he had seen God's face.

research help: ' 365 Bed Time Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 6, 2024

True Grit page 8

 True Grit page 8 by ric gustafson

I watched as Cogburn and Lee played cards.
" I hope you have been thinking about my proposition".
" I will need 100 dollars to go against Ned Pepper".
I gave him a stern look. " You are trying to take advantage of me".
Cogburn stared at me. " I'm giving you my children's rate".
" I'm not a child".
" There will be expenses".
I noticed a nearby jug. " I will not keep you in whisky".
" It won't be easy smoking Ned out". He took a sip of whisky. " He will be hold up down in the Choctaw Nation".
" Do we have a deal?".
" 100 dollars is my price baby sister". He grinned. " There it is".
" I will have the money in a day or so". I stood up to leave. " I will talk to you again".
Cogburn and Lee began to play cards again.
" I want you to walk with me to the Monarch boardinghouse".
" Afraid of a booger man?".
" No".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 31:17-32:22

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 31:17-32:22 by ric gustafson

Working for Laban, Jacob became rich. At one point, he decided to go back to Canaan. One day, Jacob packed up his family and his animals. He began his journey. Laban was sad that Jacob was leaving. He wanted to go out and bring him back. God told him not to.
Laban caught up with Jacob in the hills of Gilead. Because of the dream he had, Laban did not take Jacob back with him. Instead, the two made a promise to each other. They promised not to harm each other. The following morning, Laban returned home.
Then Jacob heard some troubling news. He heard that his brother Esau was coming with 400 men. In fear, Jacob sent shepherds with animals to present them to Esau as gifts. Jacob stayed behind to pray.

research help: ' 365 Bed Time Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

True Grit page 7

 True Grit page 7 by ric gustafson

I sat and watched as Rooster Cogburn sopped up some stew meat with some white bread. A Chinaman named Lee had prepared the meal. We were sitting at a low table with a coal oil lamp on top. Lee heard a bell and had to help a customer. We were in a small room of a Chinese grocery store. When he came back, he offered me a cup of coffee.
" Thank you, I do not drink coffee".
Cogburn stared at me. " What do you drink?".
I grinned. " Cold buttermilk would be nice".
" We have none of that" He frowned. " Or lemonade either".
I noticed a cat scurring around. " What is the name of your cat?".
Cogburn smiled. " That is General Sterling Price".
Cogburn and Lee began playing cards.
" What about my proposition?".
Cogburn looked at me. " I'm thinking on it".
" Sounds like an easy way to make fifty dollars to me".
" Don't crowd me". Cogburn threw a card on the table. " I'm thinking about expenses".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 29:1-30:24

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 29:1-30:24 by ric gustafson

Jacob walked up to a well. This well was in Haran. This well was where Eliezer met his mother Rebekah. Just then, a young woman herded her sheep to the well for water. Her name was Rachel. She was the daughter of Laban who was Jacob's uncle. Jacob wept because he was so happy to see Rachel. Right there and then, Jacob fell in love with Rachel.
Jacob talked with Laban. In order to marry, he would work for Laban for seven years. Seven years passed. After the wedding ceremony, Jacob lifted the bride's veil. It was not Rachel, it was Leah. Leah was Rachel's older sister. He worked for Laban seven more years. Then Jacob married Rachel.
Jacob had 11 sons. Only one of those sons was Rachel's. 
They named him Joseph. Jacob loved him best.

research help: ' 365 Bed Time Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Martha Custis page 3

 Martha Custis page 3 by ric gustafson

Martha stood in the foyer to receive this new guest. His name was Colonel Washington.
" I'm sorry to intrude Richard". He smiled. " When I was at William's Ferry I thought of you".
Martha stared at Colonel Washington. He stood over six feet. His eyes were blue. His face was scarred.
They walked into the parlour. Washington sat down in an open chair.
" So George". Richard smiled. " What news of the war?".
Mary looked concerned. " You don't look well George".
" I have been suffering from dysentery for months".
A servant appeared. " Dinner is ready".
Mary stood up. " Shall we?".
After dinner, Martha was concerned about the Colonel. " I hope dinner was ok Colonel".
" It was". He gave a weak smile. " I just need to be careful until I am cured".
Then Martha noticed that it was just her and the Colonel in the room.

research help: ' Washington's Lady' by Nancy Moser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 27:41-28:19

 Bible Bed Time Stories: Genesis 27:41-28:19 by ric gustafson

When Esau lost his blessing, he wanted to kill Jacob.
When Rebekah heard this, she warned Jacob. " Hurry to your Uncle Laban's".
Jacob ran away alone. All he had with him was his walking stick. At Bethel, he lay down to sleep. For a pillow, Jacob used a stone. After he fell asleep, Jacob had a dream. In his dream, Jacob saw a ladder with angels on it.
God blessed Jacob.
" I'm your father's God". God spoke quietly. " This land is yours and your children's".
Jacob woke up from his dream. " This place is God's house". He looked up. " It's the gate of heaven".

research help: ' 365 Bed Time Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 3, 2024

Martha Custis page 2

 Martha Custis page 2 by ric gustafson

" Your husband had no will". He stared at Martha. " He died intestate".
Martha thought about Daniel.
James Power looked at Martha. " Mrs Custis?".
" So there is no will". She looked at her friend. " Where does that leave us?".
" Your husband's estate will be equally divided between you Jacky and Patsy".
" And how is that done?".
" An inventory will have to be taken of everything".
" I will have to consult with my brother Bartholomew". She smiled. " He is an attorney".
" Of course".
One day, Martha was invited to an afternoon social at the home of some friends. Their names were Richard and Mary Chamberlaynes. Later on, a new guest arrived.

research help: ' Washington's Lady' by Nancy Moser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Martha Custis page 1

 Martha Custis page 1 by ric gustafson

Martha Custis walked away from the grave. She was holding little Patsy in her arms. She frowned as people walked up to give condolences. She looked at the grave again. She thought to herself seven years was not enough. 
Daniel, with an infection in his throat, told Martha how sick he was. On top of that, two year old Jacky had a fever and a swollen throat. On top of that, Martha was still grieving the loss of Frances her second born. Martha was tired of sickness and death.
When Martha reached the family home, she put Patsy to bed. She checked on Jacky. She walked into the study. She needed the silence and solitude. 
There was a knock at the door.
" Come in".
Martha's mother quietly walked in.
" How can I help you my daughter?".
" Why does our family need to suffer so much?".
Martha's mother sighed. " It is not wise to dwell".
" I have lost two children and now my husband".
She hugged Martha. " I know".
" I lost a husband". Tears began to form in Martha's eyes. " The children have lost a father".

research help: ' Washington's Lady' by Nancy Moser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Margaret Tobin Brown page 25

 Margaret Tobin Brown page 25 by ric gustafson

So what happened to Margaret Tobin Brown after the disaster?.

Margaret arrived in Denver April 29 1912. She came back with nothing except a good luck charm from Egypt. Three officers from Lifeboat 6 testified at the official hearing. Margaret made sure the world heard her story. Her account of the tragedy ran in 3 parts in May 1912. 
A gossip columnist named Polly Pry gave Margaret the nickname ' the Unsinkable Molly Brown'. Helen Brown married George Benziger in April 1913. Margaret took up residence in Newport Rhode Island as early as 1909. In Newport, Margaret became friends with socialite Alva Vanderbilt Belmont. 
JJ Brown died on Sept 5 1922. He was 68. Margaret became the chair of the Titanic Survivors Committee. In 1922, Margaret had to give up her house in Newport for not paying rent. She rented a room there instead. In October of 1932, Margaret Tobin Brown died from a brain tumor. She died at the Barbizon Hotel in New York City.

The End

research help: ' Molly Brown unraveling the myth' by Kristen Iversen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Margaret Tobin Brown page 24

 Margaret Tobin Brown page 24 by ric gustafson

During this time, marriage strains were showing in Margaret and JJ's marriage. In Jan 1910, their was a Denver Times article that the Browns had divorced. Margaret was devastated. She denied a divorce. Actually Margaret had signed a seperation agreement in Aug of 1909. 
In Jan of 1912, Margaret was asked to join John Jacob Astor IV and his new wife Madeleine to join them on a trip to Northern Africa and Egypt. Margaret left New York on Jan 25 1912. The trip seemed ill fated from the beginning. While on a ship in the Indian Ocean, their ship almost capsized. Helen came for part of the trip joining her mother. They traveled to Cairo and then spent a few days in Rome.
Returning to Paris, Margaret found out that her grandson was ill. In order to get back to the US as quick as possible, Margaret abruptly changed her travel plans. She booked passage on the Titanic.
The rest is history.

research help: ' Molly Brown unraveling the myth' by Kristen Iversen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric