Monday, February 12, 2024

will you live forever? page 3

 will you live forever? page 3 by ric gustafson

Bobby stared at the two men. " What do you mean a living sacrifice?".
God smiled. " I want you to obey me instead of your own desires".
All of a sudden, Satan appeared. " Don't listen to them".
" They know things about me no one else knows".
" What their saying to you is hogwash". Satan cackled. " Just jump".
" I listened to you". Bobby's voice hesitated. " Now I want to listen to them".
" Suit yourself". Satan frowned. " I'll be back". He vanished.
" We love you Bobby". Jesus smiled. " That's why we don't want you to jump".
Bobby shook his head. " I just want a balance in my life".
God smiled. " We can give you that balance".
" How?".
God smiled. " You trusting me".
Bobby began to cry. " I need someone to take care of me".
Jesus grinned. " We can do that".

research help: ' Daily Inspiration' by Tyndale House Publishers

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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