Saturday, February 3, 2024

seven deadly sins page 6

 seven deadly sins page 6 by ric gustafson

Rose put a stamp on an envelope. She looked up to see the familiar face. " He's waiting for you Ben"
Ben walked into Mr Firestone's office. His boss was standing by a window drinking a cup of coffee.
" Good morning Ben". He smiled weakly as he sat down. " Please have a seat".
Ben looked around the office. " I envy you Mr Firestone".
" Why is that Ben?".
" You have been so successful with this company". He pointed around the room. " I envy you".
" Ben, I'm a simple Christian man who started a company". He smiled. " I don'r care about fame, power or status".
" I just want a happy productive department".
Mr Firestone stared at Ben. " That's not what I've been hearing?".
" What do you mean?".
" I heard what happened to Elaine". He frowned. " She's a good employee Ben".
" I was not happy with her slogan". He looked at his boss. " I replaced her on my team".
" From the reports I've been given". Mr Firestone looked at Ben. " It seems you have major anger issues with your employees".
" I'm sorry Mr Firestone".
" Ben, clean up your act". He pointed at Ben. " Or I will make immediate changes".
Ben walked out of the office with a hardened heart.

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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