Friday, February 9, 2024

seven deadly sins page 9

 seven deadly sins page 9 by ric gustafson

Ben walked through the front door. He opened up the sack and took out a new winter suit. He put it on the edge of the brown couch. 
His wife of twenty years was standing there with a concerned look on her face. " I was just going over the credit card statement". She handed it to Ben.
He quickly glanced at it. He handed it back. " What's wrong with it?".
" It's maxed out Ben". She gave him a worried stare. " I also got a call from a creditor today".
Ben picked up his new suit. He showed it to her. " We'll be ok".
" Ben, we can't afford that suit".
" I'm going to wear it next week on my business trip".
" Tell me again why you are going?".
" Mr Firestone wants me to go to a convention with a fixed expense account". His voice hesitated. " And try to lure some potential customers our way".
Noreen made her husband a sandwich. 
" If we don't clear up this financial situation we are in". She frowned as she poured him a glass of milk. " Sandwiches is all we will be eating from now on".
Ben picked up the suit and headed toward the stairs. " If I get this huge promotion from Mr Firestone". Ben smiled. " We will be ok".
Noreen put the credit card statement in a drawer. " Ben, I sure hope so".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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