Monday, February 5, 2024

seven deadly sins page 8

 seven deadly sins page 8 by ric gustafson

Ben wiped off his mouth with a napkin. " How was the steak Mr Firestone?".
" Very good". He took a sip of water from his water goblet. " Excluding ours of course".
" Mr Firestone". Ben smiled at his boss. " I have a lot of good ideas for Macanac Steaks".
" That's good Ben". He smiled. " I like hearig that from my supervisors".
" Mr Firestone". Ben's voice hesitated. " Have you ever thought about appointing a Vice President who would be directly under you".
" Are you referring to yourself Ben?".
Ben grinned. " With all my great ideas, I think I would make a great Vice President".
" Ben, you've been doing an ok job despite the negative reports I keep getting about you".
" What do you mean just ok?".
" Ben, don't be so greedy".
" What do you mean Sir?".
" Concentrate on your job". He smiled. " Let me worry about your advancement".
" Ok Mr Firestone".
The waiter walked over and put the bill on the table.
" Ben, are you sure you don't want help paying the bill?".
Ben put his VISA card on the bill. " No I'm fine".
Mr Firestone put his coat on. " Thanks for dinner Ben". He walked out.
Ben signed the bill with a scowl on his face.

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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