Saturday, February 17, 2024

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 2

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 2 by ric gustafson

The next time I encountered Peter, the city of Rome was in flames. Followers of Christos were beginning to believe the end of the world was here. People were flocking to the elderly fisherman who spoke of love and forgiveness. 
Peter would always smile to those who approached him. " Peace be with you".
People flocked to listen to him.
" Love men as your own brother". He grinned. " Only with love may you serve him".
I approached the elderly fisherman. " I was also there".
Peter smiled. " I know".
" Be careful fisherman". Flavius pointed around. " People here are killing each other".
" I was with the Lord". Peter grinned. " I am not afraid".
I was amazed at how someone could love a man who died years ago.

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by James Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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