Monday, February 19, 2024

Jesus: Mark 14:18

 Jesus: Mark 14:18 by ric gustafson

Jesus was eating with his disciples. He spoke in low solemn tones. His words were heavy. 
" One of you will betray me".
The disciples were confused. Jesus had just washed their feet. All of them including Judas turned toward Jesus. " Is it I?".
Judas had his blood money in a money belt strapped around him. He had this blood money and yet pretended he was not guilty. His actions were shocking. But it happened.
Judas never came under Jesus's control. Judas never recognized Jesus for who he was. Because he did not recognize or believe in Jesus and his mission, he committed suicide.

research help: ' Jesus' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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