Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Welcome New Believer page 1

 Welcome New Believer page 1 by ric gustafson

Welcome New Believer. Congradulations on receiving Jesus Christ into your life as your personal Lord and Savior. Not only have you obtained the gift of eternal life but now you have a responsibility. Now you have the message of the gospel. Now what do you do with it?. 
What we have done for Jesus on this earth will be examined before God. Will what we do for Jesus here stand the test of tine. Those who have done much for Jesus will be greatly rewarded.
God's Word tells us not to give in to false teachings. Jesus has promised that he will return. In John 14, he tells us that he is preparing a place for us. Then he will come get us. In Titus 2, good news is proclaimed that Jesus is coming again.
When someone truly comes to Jesus, their life will begin to transform. All of us were seperated from God by sin. This was dealt with and absolved by Jesus on the cross. Our conversion will show fruit and works. Bearing fruit is our commitment to Jesus. Bearing fruit shows through our actions and attitudes as people of God. Bearing fruit is not optional. It is coming into union with God.

research help: ' New Believers Bible' by Greg Laurie

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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