Sunday, February 11, 2024

seven deadly sins page 10

 seven deadly sins page 10 by ric gustafson 

Rose put the call on hold. " He's waiting for you Ben".
He walked into the well decorated office. Mr Firestone was sitting in his office chair. " Sit down Ben".
He took out some papers from a drawer. He handed them to Ben. " What is this?".
Ben glanced at it. " It's the expense account statement from my business trip".
" Didn't I give you a budgeted amount for this account?".
" You did". Ben's voice hesitated. " I spent a little more to lure some potential customers".
" Ben, I can't run a successful company when my department heads won't stay within a budget".
" Sorry Mr Firestone". He grinned. " I figured it was money well spent for the company".
Mr Firestone put the papers back into his desk. He took out another piece of paper. He handed it to Ben. " Ben, read this".
" It's an action plan". Ben gave his boss a cold stare. " What's the meaning of this?".
" This action plan says you need to improve on the things listed here within the time period shown".
Ben gave it back to his boss. " And if I don't sign".
" Ben, I will have security escort you from the building". He frowned. " It's your choice".
Ben signed the paper. " Can I go now?".
" Yes". 
Ben angrily walked out of the office.

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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