Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Columbine page 1

 Columbine page 1 by ric gustafson

Eric Harris wanted a prom date. He was a senior and about to graduate from Columbine High School. He really wanted a date. Dates were usually not a problem. He was a brain. He was a cool brain. He dated, he drank and smoked. He went to parties. He got high. He had military chic hair. He wore black T shirts and baggy cargo pants. He enjoyed listening to loud German rock music. He called himself Reb.
Eric Harris had no problem picking up girls. He had a quick wit and a disarming smile. He had a job at Blackjack Pizza. He had the smile, the swagger but yet could not find a date for the prom.
Eric was jealous because his best friend Dylan Klebold had a date for the prom.

research help: ' Columbine' by Dave Cullen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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