Wednesday, February 14, 2024

seven deadly sins page 12

 seven deadly sins page 12 by ric gustafson

Noreen drove the white Villager into the snow packed driveway. She noticed it had not been shoveled yet. She opened the garage door. She drove in. She also noticed that the green recycle container had not been put out. Plus, three bags of trash had not gone out. She got out, unlocked the door to the kitchen, took a bag of groceries out of the trunk. She walked into the kitchen. She noticed that Ben was asleep on the couch. A TV was on. She walked over and turned it off.
Ben woke up. " What's going on?".
" Ben, why haven't you shoveled the driveway yet?".
" I'm sorry". Ben stared at his wife. " I must of fell asleep watching the football game".
" Ben, why haven't you taken out the trash?".
" Sorry". He got off the couch and put his shoes and coat on.
" Did you call the credit card company and talk to them about our financial situation?".
" No not yet". He walked toward the garage door.
" Ben, I asked you to call them". She stamped her foot in frustration. " What's gotten into you?".
" I'm under a lot of pressure at work because of Mr Firestone".
" Ben, you better not lose your job".
Ben opened the door and walked into a cold garage.
" Ben Halsteen, do you hear me?".

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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