Thursday, February 1, 2024

seven deadly sins page 5

 seven deadly sins page 5 by ric gustafson

Roger Harrison put the flag back in the cup. He walked down the hill toward the 5th flag. " What score did you get on that hole Ben?".
Ben thought for a second. " Five I think". He walked over and put his ball in the washer. He wiped it dry. " I envy you Roger".
Roger gave him a surprised look. " Why would you envy me for?".
" You are successful at the firm, have a great house and a great marriage".
Roger put his ball on a tee. " So!".
" Haven't you ever envyed someone before?".
" To be truthful". He hit the ball down the fairway. " I did before I became a Christian".
" And now".
" I don't think about things like that anymore".
" I envy Mr Firestone". Ben hit a drive down the left side. " I would love to be president of Macanac Steaks".
" Be careful Ben". He started walking toward his ball. " Your thinking could backfire on you and the company". 
Ben walked toward his ball with a smirk on his face.

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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