Tuesday, February 13, 2024

seven deadly sins page 11

 seven deadly sins page 11 by ric gustafson

Elaine walked into Ben's office. He was at his desk. To Elaine, it appeared that he was daydreaming.
" Mr Halsteen?".
Ben looked up. " Yes Elaine".
" Mr Halsteen, have you finished the monthly reports for Mr Firestone yet?".
He gave her an honest stare. " No, not yet".
" Mr Halsteen, those reports are due by the end of the day".
" Elaine, could you do them for me?".
" Mr Halsteen, they are your responsibility".
" I am so mad at Mr Firestone". He sighed. " I don't feel like doing anything for him".
" Mr Halsteen, have you finished the vacation schedule yet?".
" No, I haven't yet".
" Mr Halsteen, if you don't do your job". Elaine stared at her boss. " You could get fired".
" I don't care anymore".
" Don't you care that you might get fired?".
Ben thought for a moment. " No".
" Mr Halsteen, I'll have to tell Mr Firestone what's going on".
" Do what you have to do". Ben put on his coat to leave. " I don't care anymore".

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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