Monday, February 26, 2024

spiritual warfare: giving and gaining spiritual ground

 spiritual warfare: giving and gaining spiritual ground by ric gustafson

Even though one is a Christian, Satan will try to gain a foothold to that person's life. Satan will try to lead that believer to an unproductive and frustrated life. Satan will send his evil spirits to influence the heart of that believer. Even with the Holy Spirit in that believer, Satan will do what he can so that the believer will give ground to Satan. 
Giving Satan any hold in our life is giving ground to Satan. To the believer, there is no middle ground. If we give Satan an inch, he will try to do a stronghold in our heart. Satan cannot gain any ground without our permission. 
How do we stay away from that?. We must always be focused on God. We must take back ground taken by Satan. We must repent of our sin. We must tear down the stronghold in our heart. 

research help: ' Reclaiming Surrendered Ground'  by Jim Logan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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