Sunday, February 4, 2024

seven deadly sins page 7

seven deadly sins page 7 by ric gustafson

Ben was seated at a two person table. A waiter took the napkins out of the water goblets.
" Is somebody coming to join you?".
" Yes, hopefully". The waiter put water into the goblets.
Mr Firestone walked in. He was led to the table.
" Good evening Ben". He took off his coat. He put it on a coat rack by the table. He sat down.
" Thank you Mr Firestone for agreeing to come on short notice".
" I came Ben". His voice hesitated. " I'm not sure why?".
The waiter came to the table to take their order.
" Mr Firestone, the meal is on me". Ben picked up the menu. " Please order whatever you would like".
" Are you sure Ben?". He put down his menu. " This is an expensive restaurant".
" I have my credit card". Ben took his VISA card out of his billfold. " The meal is on me".
Mr Firestone turned to the waiter. " We will start with two side salads".
The waiter left with their order.
" Now Ben". Mr Firestone stared at his employee. " Why have you asked me here tonight?".

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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