Wednesday, February 14, 2024

seven deadly sins page 14

 seven deadly sins page 14 by ric gustafson

Ben tried quickly to walk past Mr Firestone's office. Before he could, Rose stopped him. " Ben, Mr Firestone would like to see you". Ben knocked on the bosses door.
" Come in".
Ben walked into the office. Standing by the desk was Mr Firestone, Elaine and Ralph Johnson head of security.
" Sit down Ben". Mr Firestone walked over and began to stare out a window. " Ben, please take a look at the paper on my desk".
Ben took a hard look at it. It was a letter of resignation. " I don't follow Sir".
" Ben, I started this company on Christian morals". He turned away from the window. " I cannot allow an employee who does not follow that same moral code to destroy this company".
" Mr Firestone, I have tried to please you".
" Ben, I have given you so many chances". 
" But Sir".
Mr Firestone raised his arm to silence his employee. " You have snubbed those chances in my face".
" Mr Firestone, I won't sign it".
He walked to his desk and took out some paperclipped papers. " Ben, do you remember signing this?".
" My action plan". Ben sighed. " Yes I did sign it".
" You did not do what I instructed you to do".
" Now what?".
" Ben, I am asking you to resign".
Ben thought for a moment. He knew he had no other choice. He signed the paper.
" Ralph, will you escort Mr Halsteen to the front door please?".

The End

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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