Sunday, February 4, 2024

will you live forever? page 2

 will you live forever? page 2 by ric gustafson

The two men pulled up chairs close to the open window. They sat down. 
Bobby turned. " Who are you?".
" Two people who care". The old man in white smiled. " Bobby Jenkins, we don't want you to jump".
" How do you know my name?".
The old man looked at the younger bearded man dressed in white. " Bobby, my Son and I have known you your entire life".
Bobby stared at the two men. " I don't remember meeting either one of you".
" We have watched and protected you your entire life".
" Prove ir".
Jesus smiled. " I remember as a little boy when you got Mr Boo Boo".
Bobby was silent. " How do you know about Mr Boo Boo?".
God smiled. " I remember the ten speed bike you got on your birthday".
Bobby looked perplexed. " I loved that bike".
Jesus grinned. " You did until you fell off and hurt yourself badly on McKinley Ave".
Bobby frowned. " You have my attention now".
God smiled. " Bobby, we would like you to become a living sacrifice?".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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