Sunday, February 11, 2024

Welcome New Believer page 2

 Welcome New Believer page 2 by ric gustafson

A principle of the Christian life is forgiveness. Jesus forgave one of the thieves next to him on the cross. Jesus forgives us. He wants us to forgive others. Another Christian principle is honesty and integrity. When we become a new believer, we will begin to have inner joy. Joy is one of the fruit of the Spirit. When sorrows come our way, the Holy Spirit gives us an inner joy.
Another Christian principle is love. In Mark 12, Jesus says the two most important commandments are about love. God says love me with all your soul, mind and strength. God also says that we should love our neighbors as yourself. God loves us so much he sent his only Son to die on a cross for us. God loved us first.
Another Christian principle is peace. In John 14, Jesus says we can have true peace. God gives us peace as a gift. Peace is an unopened gift until we unwrap it. The Christian life is compared to a race. We need to pace ourselves and have perseverance. God wants us to finish the race.

research help: ' New Believers Bible' by Greg Laurie

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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