Thursday, February 29, 2024

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 10

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 10 by ric gustafson

Jesus turned to the mob. " Whom do you seek?".
The mob roared back. " Jesus of Nazareth".
" I am he".
The mob stepped back and fell to the ground.
" Whom do you seek?".
The mob yelled again. " Jesus of Nazareth".
" It is I you are seeking". He pointed to his followers. " Then let these others go their way".
A big man, who looked like a fisherman, stood next to Jesus. All of a sudden, he pulled out a sword. He struck an ear of Caiaphas's servant. 
Malchus fell to the ground. He held onto his cut ear. He screamed in pain. 
Jesus gave Peter a stern look. " Put that sword away". He knelt down and put his hand over Malchus's ear. 
As Flavius watched in disbelief, Jesus healed the servant's ear. Jesus stood up.
Flavius had just witnessed a miracle firsthand. Then he remembered why they had come. " Seize him". Soldiers with ropes came over and bound Jesus.
While Malchus was still on the ground holding his now healed ear, Flavius and the others led Jesus away.

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Columbine page 5

 Columbine page 5 by ric gustafson

The Columbine High School prom was held at the Denver Design Center. It was usually a 12 hour affair. This included photos, fine dining, the dance and afterprom. Dylan Klebold and Robyn Anderson arrived to the prom in a limo. Robyn wore midnight blue satin. Dylan wore a black tuxedo and a bow tie. Dylan's hair was in a short ponytail. After dinner at Bella Ristorante, it was a short drive to the Design Center.
Eric Harris did not call Susan until early evening. She came over to Eric's and watched a movie. Later, Eric's parents came home from an anniversary dinner. They talked to Susan for awhile. Susan stayed till 11 and then went home.
The afterprom was in the Columbine gym. Eric came and joined Dylan. Blackjack, poker and craps tables were set up Las Vegas style. Parents were dressed as dealers. The afterprom lasted till dawn.
At this time, Eric and Dylan were watching two major atrocities unfold on TV. The first was Waco Texas. The other was the Oklahoma City bombing. Eric thought these two events were nothing compared to what he wanted for their atrocity. Eric already had a name for their day. It was to be called ' Judgment Day'. But first, Eric wanted to be sure Dylan was up to the challenge.

research help: ' Columbine' by Dave Cullen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Feb 28 1983

 Feb 28 1983 by ric gustafson

It was Feb 28 1983. That night, a TV finale drew a record TV audience of over 100 million viewers. That TV show was MASH. The episode was called ' Goodbye Farewell and Amen'. This final episode of the show is the most watched scripted TV in American history.
The show debuted in 1972. The United States was fighting the Vietnam war. The show was a field hospital set during the Korean War. 105.9 million people watched this two and a half hour episode. In the final six minutes, 121.6 million people watched. Three quarters of all the people watching TV that night were watching that episode. 
The episode ends with Hawkeye Pierce leaving by helicopter. He looks down and sees rocks spelling out ' Goodbye'. This was left by his friend B.J. Hunnicutt. The ' Goodbye' was the cast saying goodbye. 
Why was this show loved so much?. Was it Rosie's bar?. Was it Hawkeye in his purple robe?. Was it the operating room?. Was it Radar and his Teddy Bear?. Was it Klinger trying to get a Section 8?. Was it B.J. Hunnicutt missing his family so much?. 
The sitcom was based on a hit 1970 movie. The movie was inspired by a book written by Richard Hooker. The show was cutting edge, well acted and aired at the right moment in history.
MASH was and still is dark, deep, thoughtful, scathing, cynical and always funny.

research help: Kerry Byrne Fox News

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Jesus: John 13:27

 Jesus: John 13:27 by ric gustafson

The Son of God hid his glory of divinity. He revealed only the weakness of the flesh without sin. Satan knew Jesus was weak. He hoped to be victorious over him. Jesus performed miracles. Satan was envious. Jesus was a reconciler. Satan was deceived. Because of the penalty of sin, Satan gave Jesus a very cruel death. Death on a cross. Jesus had to die this way. Why?. Jesus was the only one without sin. He took our punishment on a cross so we can be with him forever. Praise Jesus's name.

research help: ' Jesus' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 9

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 9 by ric gustafson

Malchus stood next to Maeiminus as Flavius and Judas walked up the slope. After a short time, the two men walked back.
" Maeiminus". Flavius talked in a hushed voice. " I just had a talk with this Judas".
" What did he tell you?".
" He said we will be coming up to a garden of olive trees". Flavius talked even quieter. " It is called Gethsemane".
" Is that where we will find the Rabbi from Galilee?".
" Yes".
" How will we know which one is he?".
" Judas said the one he kisses is the one we are to seize".
After a short walk, the group entered a grove of olive trees.
Flavius stared as a tall dark bearded man approached them.
Judas smiled. He walked over to Jesus. He kissed him quickly on the cheek.
Jesus stared at Judas. " Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, February 26, 2024

spiritual warfare: giving and gaining spiritual ground

 spiritual warfare: giving and gaining spiritual ground by ric gustafson

Even though one is a Christian, Satan will try to gain a foothold to that person's life. Satan will try to lead that believer to an unproductive and frustrated life. Satan will send his evil spirits to influence the heart of that believer. Even with the Holy Spirit in that believer, Satan will do what he can so that the believer will give ground to Satan. 
Giving Satan any hold in our life is giving ground to Satan. To the believer, there is no middle ground. If we give Satan an inch, he will try to do a stronghold in our heart. Satan cannot gain any ground without our permission. 
How do we stay away from that?. We must always be focused on God. We must take back ground taken by Satan. We must repent of our sin. We must tear down the stronghold in our heart. 

research help: ' Reclaiming Surrendered Ground'  by Jim Logan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Columbine page 4

Columbine page 4 by ric gustafson

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold could of eaten in the school cafeteria. Most days, they ate linch with friends at a local fast food restaurant. Eric drove a black Honda Prelude. Dylan drove a vintage BMW. That Friday night, both teens worked their last shift at Blackjack Pizza. 
Eric had no plans for his future. Dylan on the other hand had a bright future. He wanted to be a computer engineer. Several schools had accepted him. The one he selected was the University of Arizona. Eric had thought about joining the Marines after graduation. Eric's father was a decorated Air Force test pilot. After working that shift, Eric and Dylan went bowling with their friends.
Eric had met a girl named Susan. She worked at a Great Clips in the same strip mall as Blackjack Pizza. He asked her if she would go to the prom with him. She accepted. 
Eric was happy. He finally had a date for the prom. 

research help: ' Columbine' by Dave Cullen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Spiritual warfare: the battle and the victory

 spiritual warfare: the battle and the victory by ric gustafson

Spiritual warfare affects Christians and non Christians. Satan, our enemy has a plan to destroy our families. We are involved daily in a spiritual war. Any Christian can come under satanic influences. Our enemy is strong. This daily spiritual battle is for the hearts, minds and lives of God's people. Satan is the enemy. Satan is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Satan hates us and has a terrible plan set up for us. Satan wants to steal, kill and destroy us. The first thing Satan does is try to get us to be wrapped up in our problems that we do not reach out to others. Second, Satan desires to kill us. We become injured servants of God. Third, Satan tries to destroy our relationships. This includes churches and pastors.
So that is our spiritual battle. The good news is that in Jesus we have already won the victory.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' Reclaiming Surrendered Ground' by Jim Logan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 8

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 8 by ric gustafson

Flavius checked his helmet. He made sure he had his sword with him. His second in command Maeiminus was standing next to him on his right. On his left was a lad. Flavius had handpicked a large detachment of his best soldiers. Each of them carried a sword or a club.
The tall lanky man named Judas walked up to the two commanders. Now with this Judas in front, the assembled group started walking. Some of the soldiers carried torches. They walked quietly past the Temple Mount. They passed pilgrims who had finished their Passover meals. They encountered local citizens preparing for Passover. The group walked through the Garden Gate. They walked toward a brook that flowed through the Kidron Valley.
" Who's walking with you Flavius? his friend asked.
" This is Malchus". He patted the boy's shoulder. " He is a servant of Caiaphas's".
" Where are we going Flavius?".
" I'm not sure". The group walked across a wooden bridge that went over the Kidron Brook. " I was told this Judas knows where this Rabbi from Galilee is".
The group began to walk up the western slope of the Mount of Olives.

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Columbine page 3

Columbine page 3 by ric gustafson

Columbine High School is in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains. The 250,000 square foot school was of solid no frills construction. It had few windows and a beige concrete exterior. From a distance, the school looked like a factory. It looked plain on the outside but had a lot going for itself on the inside. It had chem labs, computers and video production facilities. It had a first rate teaching staff. The school was only ten miles from downtown Denver.
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were fixtures at the beyond school grounds smoking area. Both teens smoked Camel filtered. It was at this time that friends of the two noticed that they were cutting classes and missing assignments. Dylan had begun sleeping in class. Eric was becoming more unemotional.
The busiest time of the day at the school was lunchtime. It was a busy time in the Columbine cafeteria. It was a wide open bubble spot of activity. Students called the cafeteria ' the commons'. At one point during lunch, 600 teens were packed into the space.
On TV, teachers and students were beginning to notice that school shootings were happening in small towns and suburbs across the country.
At Columbine High School, life went on.

research help: ' Columbine' by Dave Cullen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 7

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 7 by ric gustafson

The man stepped out of the shadows. He slowly walked toward Caiaphas. Flavius drew his sword and walked quickly between the two. Caiaphas motioned to the centurion that he was alright.
The stranger grinned. " What are you willing to give me if I deliver him to you?".
Caiaphas stared at him. " Who are you?".
" My name is Judas Iscariot". The young man stared at the chief priest. " I believe we have a common interest".
" And what interest is that?".
" The Rabbi from Galilee".
" Ah yes the Rabbi from Galilee". Caiaphas sat down in his chair. " And how can you help us with that situation?".
" I'm the treasurer for their group". Judas glanced around the room. " I can take you to him".
" Why are you doing this?". Caiaphas quietly asked. " What is in it for you?".
" I have my reasons". Judas smiled. " I assume I will be compensated financially".
" Ah yes financially". Caiaphas scratched his chin. " Wait here while I talk to the others".
For a short time, the chief priesr chatted with the other priests. Then he motioned for Flavius to follow him into a small room. He handed the centurion a bag of coins.
" Give this to that Judas as his compensation". He frowned at the centurion. " Go with him and arrest this Rabbi".
" It will be done".
Caiaphas put a hand on Flavius's shoulder. " Be careful, I hear he might be dangerous".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, February 23, 2024

Jesus: John 13:16

 Jesus: John 13:16 by ric gustafson

Jesus humbled himself. He served his disciples like he was their servant. Jesus was the Son of God. He did not claim his right. He gave up his right to serve his disciples and others. He could of claimed his right for this last meal. But Jesus did not. He wanted to serve his disciples humbly. He did not rebuke them. 
Jesus took the form of a servant. He began to wash their feet. Jesus was their Teacher and Master. He humbled himself and served his disciples and others.

research help: ' Jesus' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Columbine page 2

 Columbine page 2 by ric gustafson

Eric Harris was jealous. His best friend had a date for the prom. Dylan Klebold was meek, shy and self conscious. He was very shy. He was a brain also. He was not as cool as his friend Eric. Dylan was taller and smarter than Eric. Dylan thought Eric was better looking than he was. He started growing a beard. Dylan thought of himself as a rebel. At 6-3, Dylan towered over his peers. Eric and Dylan did everything together. They went to football games, dances and variety shows. Both loved baseball and soccer.
Eric Harris was a nonconformist. He craved approval. He got mad over the slightest disrespect. Dylan on the other hand was a heavy drinker. Eric was a control freak. Eric was reliable. Dylan was not. Both boys liked to pick on younger kids. Dylan would erupt. Eric would stay calm. Eric would always get themselves out of trouble. Eric was calm and even tempered. Dylan was a live wire ready to erupt.
On the outside, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold acted like normal teenagers.

research help: ' Columbine' by Dave Cullen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Margaret Tobin Brown page 14

 Margaret Tobin Brown page 14 by ric gustafson

Margaret and her siblings played games on Palmyra Avenue. This street criscrossed O Meara Creek. Margaret and her younger sister Helen became very close. The family drank sassafras tea for good health. As Margaret got older, Hannibal changed.  A railroad bridge was completed in 1871. The first telephone exchange was established in 1879. Margaret was home taught by her aunt Mary O Leary.
Margaret's brother Daniel took a job selling newspapers at the railroad depot. Margaret's half sister Katie married John Becker. The couple had three children. Their names were Elizabeth, Frank and George. Margaret remained close to Katie and Johnnie Becker.
At 13, Margaret started working at the Garths Tobacco Company. The company building was on Palmyra Avenue close to the Tobin home. Margaret's job was leaf stripping.
Although there are no records, it is believed that Margaret worked at the tobacco company for several years along with her sister Helen.

research help: ' Molly Brown unraveling the myth' by Kristen Iversen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus: John 13: 14-15

Jesus: John 13: 14-15 by ric gustafson

When Jesus washed the feet of the disciples, he was giving them an example. The example is that we should do like Jesus has done for us. We are not exempt from sin. Jesus intercedes for us. If Jesus washes our feet, we should do the same for others. We should confess our faults one to another. We should pray one for another. Jesus forgives us when we forgive others. If we pray for others, Jesus will answer our prayers. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Jesus' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 6

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 6 by ric gustafson

Flavius was standing along a wall in the dimly lit room. He watched intently as a tall dark haired man quietly entered the room. He was a wearing a hooded cloak. He now was standing along a wall at the back of the room. The cloak covered most of his face.
Caiaphas banged a fist on a chair. " Let's get started". He stared at Flavius. " On recommendation of Pilate and myself". He smiled. " Flavius Artemis is now the garrison centurion for the Fortress".
Flavius replied quietly. " I give you my complete loyalty".
Caiaphas sat down in his chair. " Let us begin this special council meeting".
One of the priests stood up. " This man is performing many signs".
" If we let this man continue like this, all men will believe in him" yelled another priest.
A third priest stood up. " The Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation".
Caiaphas raised an arm. " It is expedient for you that one man die for the people". He frowned. " And that the whole nation not perish".
Just then, Flavius saw the tall slender man uncover his face.
" What are you willing to give me if I deliver him to you?".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Columbine page 1

 Columbine page 1 by ric gustafson

Eric Harris wanted a prom date. He was a senior and about to graduate from Columbine High School. He really wanted a date. Dates were usually not a problem. He was a brain. He was a cool brain. He dated, he drank and smoked. He went to parties. He got high. He had military chic hair. He wore black T shirts and baggy cargo pants. He enjoyed listening to loud German rock music. He called himself Reb.
Eric Harris had no problem picking up girls. He had a quick wit and a disarming smile. He had a job at Blackjack Pizza. He had the smile, the swagger but yet could not find a date for the prom.
Eric was jealous because his best friend Dylan Klebold had a date for the prom.

research help: ' Columbine' by Dave Cullen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus: John 13: 3-5

 Jesus: John 13: 3-5 by ric gustafson

Jesus knew one of his disciples was going to betray him. He knew one would deny him the next morning, He knew this night all would desert him. Jesus loved them all anyway. 
Jesus knows us as much as he knew the disciples. We have denied and deserted him. Yet, he died on a cross for us. As we serve others, Jesus serves us. Why does Jesus love us even when we don't love him back?. The answer is simple. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Jesus' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Jesus: Luke 22:3

 Jesus: Luke 22:3 by ric gustafson

It is hard to imagine what Judas did. What Judas did was a dreadful deed. Judas had a soul seething with resentment. Jesus and Judas were together for three years. But Judas was hurt. His pride had been affected. His self pity, his hostility was inflamed. Now Judas wanted to destroy Jesus. His love for Jesus turned to hate. Satan entered Judas. Judas had a dark black soul.

research help: ' Jesus' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, February 19, 2024

Jesus: Mark 14:18

 Jesus: Mark 14:18 by ric gustafson

Jesus was eating with his disciples. He spoke in low solemn tones. His words were heavy. 
" One of you will betray me".
The disciples were confused. Jesus had just washed their feet. All of them including Judas turned toward Jesus. " Is it I?".
Judas had his blood money in a money belt strapped around him. He had this blood money and yet pretended he was not guilty. His actions were shocking. But it happened.
Judas never came under Jesus's control. Judas never recognized Jesus for who he was. Because he did not recognize or believe in Jesus and his mission, he committed suicide.

research help: ' Jesus' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 5

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 5 by ric gustafson

As Flavius and another centurion were walking to one of the Sanhedrin council meetings, the centurion told Flavius a story. In a village named Bethany, a man named Simon was healed of leprosy. He was healed by a Rabbi from Galilee. The Rabbi's name was Jesus. Later, this healed man has a dinner party to thank this Jesus.
This Jesus arrived with his friends. Things were going ok until a woman came in carrying a very expensive alabaster flask. She walked up to the Rabbi. She opened the flask. She poured the oil and ointment on the Rabbi's head and feet. Then the woman knelt down and wiped the perfume with her hair.
The treasurer of the Rabbi's group complained about the waste of the perfume and how much they could have gotten for it.
This Jesus helped the woman up and praised her. He had compassion for her. He told those there in attendance that what she did was prepare him for his own burial and that it would be a memorial to her.

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by James Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 4

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 4 by ric gustafson

I saw the elderly fisherman the day he was being executed. As he was being led to the Vatican Hill, he smiled.
" Centurion". He smiled at me. " Two guards were baptized this morning".
As he was being led to the place of execution, a crowd was following him. The day was clear and calm. Because of his age, Peter was not required to carry his cross. Peter could hear people praying for him.
The procession stopped at Vatican Hill. The soldiers began to dig a hole. Peter looked toward the city for the last time. 
The elderly fisherman had one last request. He asked to be crucified upside down.
The request was accepted. That was the way the elderly fisherman was executed.
As he watched, tears began to form in Flavius's eyes. Memories of another execution day began to flood the centurion's mind.

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by James Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus: Matthew 26:16

 Jesus: Matthew 26:16 by ric gustafson

Jesus abandoned power when he lived with us. He had physical limitations just like us. Judas did not want to accept that Jesus was a limited Messiah. On Palm Sunday, Jesus could of unleashed his powers. He could of unleashed his powers and the masses. He did not. Judas wanted Jesus to establish his rule. That did not happen and Judas's plan backfired. When Judas figured out Jesus's true intent, he committed suicide. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Jesus' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 3

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 3 by ric gustafson

One day, I searched for the elderly fisherman. I wanted to give him a warning. I found him at a house belonging to Miriam. The house was at the edge of the Trans Tiler area of the city.
When I arrived, the apostle recognized me. With Peter was Timothy. Timothy was Paul's assistant.
I frowned at the elderly fisherman. " They want to arrest you and Paul".
" Thank you for your warning".
" They want to take you to Mamertine Prison".
Then those present tried to convince Peter to escape from Rome.
Peter looked at Flavius. " I cannot leave the breathren".
" I could help you escape to the Allan Hills". Flavius smiled. " I could secure a ship to take you to Naples or Sicily".
" I know my friend". Peter hugged me. " My place is here".
I nodded. " As a centurion, I understand".
" Flavius, you are a good friend".
I smiled. " May his will be done".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by James Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Jesus: Matthew 26: 14-15

 Jesus: Matthew 26: 14-15 by ric gustafson

Judas Iscariot made the greatest mistake in history. He betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. Jesus knew he was going to do it. Judas made the choice. Judas never found Jesus in the first place. According to John 17, Judas was headed for destruction. Judas was never saved.
We have a choice. We can choose despair and death. Or we can choose repentance, forgiveness, hope and eternal life. Do we choose eternal life or like Judas betray our Lord?. It is our choice.

research help: ' Jesus' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 2

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 2 by ric gustafson

The next time I encountered Peter, the city of Rome was in flames. Followers of Christos were beginning to believe the end of the world was here. People were flocking to the elderly fisherman who spoke of love and forgiveness. 
Peter would always smile to those who approached him. " Peace be with you".
People flocked to listen to him.
" Love men as your own brother". He grinned. " Only with love may you serve him".
I approached the elderly fisherman. " I was also there".
Peter smiled. " I know".
" Be careful fisherman". Flavius pointed around. " People here are killing each other".
" I was with the Lord". Peter grinned. " I am not afraid".
I was amazed at how someone could love a man who died years ago.

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by James Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Jesus: Matthew 25:13

 Jesus: Matthew 25:13 by ric gustafson

Every generation of Christians has been waiting patiently for Jesus's return. Everyone hopes it will be in their lifetime. What would happen if we did know when Jesus would return for us?. Not knowing gives Christians a spark to get done what Jesus had planned for them to do. So we wait and we hope. We can't wait for Jesus's return to get us and take us home. 
Jesus wants us to anticipate and to wait for his return. To keep doing what Jesus want us to do. Why?. Because Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Jesus' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 1

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 1 by ric gustafson

My name is Flavius Artemis. I am a centurion. I was asked to come to the Via Nomentana. The nearby hills are full of graveyards. When I got there, it was completely dark. I noticed dark forms carrying lanterns.
I asked someone near me. " Why are there people in the dark gathering in this graveyard?".
" We are Christians". The old man smiled. " We have to gather in secret".
Flavius scratched his chin. " Why is that?".
" Jews and the population hate us". The old man frowned. " They accuse us of crimes".
Just then, a young man appeared near a fire. " He is here".
Flavius stared at the old man. " Who is here?".
" Peter the fisherman". He grinned at the centurion. " He was with Christos".
" Christos?".
" Jesus the Nazarene".
Memories of serving under Pontius Pilate began to fill Flavius's mind.

research help: ' the Murder of Jesus' by James Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

seven deadly sins page 14

 seven deadly sins page 14 by ric gustafson

Ben tried quickly to walk past Mr Firestone's office. Before he could, Rose stopped him. " Ben, Mr Firestone would like to see you". Ben knocked on the bosses door.
" Come in".
Ben walked into the office. Standing by the desk was Mr Firestone, Elaine and Ralph Johnson head of security.
" Sit down Ben". Mr Firestone walked over and began to stare out a window. " Ben, please take a look at the paper on my desk".
Ben took a hard look at it. It was a letter of resignation. " I don't follow Sir".
" Ben, I started this company on Christian morals". He turned away from the window. " I cannot allow an employee who does not follow that same moral code to destroy this company".
" Mr Firestone, I have tried to please you".
" Ben, I have given you so many chances". 
" But Sir".
Mr Firestone raised his arm to silence his employee. " You have snubbed those chances in my face".
" Mr Firestone, I won't sign it".
He walked to his desk and took out some paperclipped papers. " Ben, do you remember signing this?".
" My action plan". Ben sighed. " Yes I did sign it".
" You did not do what I instructed you to do".
" Now what?".
" Ben, I am asking you to resign".
Ben thought for a moment. He knew he had no other choice. He signed the paper.
" Ralph, will you escort Mr Halsteen to the front door please?".

The End

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

seven deadly sins page 13

 seven deadly sins page 13 by ric gustafson

Elaine knocked on Mr Halsteen's office door. In her hand was a notebook. She had written down an idea she wanted to show her boss. She knocked again.
" Come in".
She walked into a sparse office. She sat down. " Mr Halsteen, I have an idea I wanted to show you for the new T bone campaign".
" I'm kinda busy right now".
" Could you please look at my idea?". She handed him her notebook. " I think you'll like it".
" I'll look at it after I look at Roger's first".
" Mr Halsteen, could you look at it please in case you have questions?".
Ben glanced at it. He handed it back. " I like Roger's better".
" Mr Halsteen, all you did was glance at it?".
" I'm sorry Elaine". He gave her a cold stare. " I like Roger's better".
" Bur Mr Halsteen".
" I think a male's perspective is what is needed for this campaign".
" Are you saying what I think your saying?".
" Yes".
Elaine walked out of the office. She walked down the hallway to Mr Firestone's office door and knocked.

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

seven deadly sins page 12

 seven deadly sins page 12 by ric gustafson

Noreen drove the white Villager into the snow packed driveway. She noticed it had not been shoveled yet. She opened the garage door. She drove in. She also noticed that the green recycle container had not been put out. Plus, three bags of trash had not gone out. She got out, unlocked the door to the kitchen, took a bag of groceries out of the trunk. She walked into the kitchen. She noticed that Ben was asleep on the couch. A TV was on. She walked over and turned it off.
Ben woke up. " What's going on?".
" Ben, why haven't you shoveled the driveway yet?".
" I'm sorry". Ben stared at his wife. " I must of fell asleep watching the football game".
" Ben, why haven't you taken out the trash?".
" Sorry". He got off the couch and put his shoes and coat on.
" Did you call the credit card company and talk to them about our financial situation?".
" No not yet". He walked toward the garage door.
" Ben, I asked you to call them". She stamped her foot in frustration. " What's gotten into you?".
" I'm under a lot of pressure at work because of Mr Firestone".
" Ben, you better not lose your job".
Ben opened the door and walked into a cold garage.
" Ben Halsteen, do you hear me?".

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

seven deadly sins page 11

 seven deadly sins page 11 by ric gustafson

Elaine walked into Ben's office. He was at his desk. To Elaine, it appeared that he was daydreaming.
" Mr Halsteen?".
Ben looked up. " Yes Elaine".
" Mr Halsteen, have you finished the monthly reports for Mr Firestone yet?".
He gave her an honest stare. " No, not yet".
" Mr Halsteen, those reports are due by the end of the day".
" Elaine, could you do them for me?".
" Mr Halsteen, they are your responsibility".
" I am so mad at Mr Firestone". He sighed. " I don't feel like doing anything for him".
" Mr Halsteen, have you finished the vacation schedule yet?".
" No, I haven't yet".
" Mr Halsteen, if you don't do your job". Elaine stared at her boss. " You could get fired".
" I don't care anymore".
" Don't you care that you might get fired?".
Ben thought for a moment. " No".
" Mr Halsteen, I'll have to tell Mr Firestone what's going on".
" Do what you have to do". Ben put on his coat to leave. " I don't care anymore".

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, February 12, 2024

Jesus: Mark 13:22

 Jesus: Mark 13:22 by ric gustafson

This passage from Mark 13 warns about false christs and false prophets. They will show signs and wonders. These false prophets will claim to be from God. They will say that they speak for him. These false prophets appear pleasant and positive. They like to be with God's people. They talk and act like believers. But they are deceivers and not from God.
God says ignore and do not listen to false christs and false prophets. Listen to and follow the real and only real God who loves you and me more than anything else.

research help: ' Jesus' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

will you live forever? page 3

 will you live forever? page 3 by ric gustafson

Bobby stared at the two men. " What do you mean a living sacrifice?".
God smiled. " I want you to obey me instead of your own desires".
All of a sudden, Satan appeared. " Don't listen to them".
" They know things about me no one else knows".
" What their saying to you is hogwash". Satan cackled. " Just jump".
" I listened to you". Bobby's voice hesitated. " Now I want to listen to them".
" Suit yourself". Satan frowned. " I'll be back". He vanished.
" We love you Bobby". Jesus smiled. " That's why we don't want you to jump".
Bobby shook his head. " I just want a balance in my life".
God smiled. " We can give you that balance".
" How?".
God smiled. " You trusting me".
Bobby began to cry. " I need someone to take care of me".
Jesus grinned. " We can do that".

research help: ' Daily Inspiration' by Tyndale House Publishers

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Margaret Tobin Brown page 13

 Margaret Tobin Brown page 13 by ric gustafson

On July 18 1867 in Hannibal Missouri, a daughter was born to John and Johanna Tobin. She was named Margaret. People called her Maggie. Hannibal was already famous for a new railroad and for Samuel Clemens. Clemens became known as Mark Twain. The Tobins were a close knit Irish Catholic family. The couple had two children from previous marriages. They also had four children Daniel, Margaret, William and Helen.
The Tobin home was only blocks from the Mississippi River. They lived in a four bedroom cottage. Margaret's father was a laborer at the Hannibal Gas Works. Both of Margaret's parents were born in Ireland. John in 1823, Johanna in 1825. The Tobin family was very proud of it's Irish roots.
Margaret's father worked at the Hannibal Gas Works for twenty years. The Gas Works was one of the largest employers in Hannibal. By 1860, Hannibal had tripled in population.

research help: ' Molly Brown unraveling the myth' by Kristen Iversen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

seven deadly sins page 10

 seven deadly sins page 10 by ric gustafson 

Rose put the call on hold. " He's waiting for you Ben".
He walked into the well decorated office. Mr Firestone was sitting in his office chair. " Sit down Ben".
He took out some papers from a drawer. He handed them to Ben. " What is this?".
Ben glanced at it. " It's the expense account statement from my business trip".
" Didn't I give you a budgeted amount for this account?".
" You did". Ben's voice hesitated. " I spent a little more to lure some potential customers".
" Ben, I can't run a successful company when my department heads won't stay within a budget".
" Sorry Mr Firestone". He grinned. " I figured it was money well spent for the company".
Mr Firestone put the papers back into his desk. He took out another piece of paper. He handed it to Ben. " Ben, read this".
" It's an action plan". Ben gave his boss a cold stare. " What's the meaning of this?".
" This action plan says you need to improve on the things listed here within the time period shown".
Ben gave it back to his boss. " And if I don't sign".
" Ben, I will have security escort you from the building". He frowned. " It's your choice".
Ben signed the paper. " Can I go now?".
" Yes". 
Ben angrily walked out of the office.

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Welcome New Believer page 2

 Welcome New Believer page 2 by ric gustafson

A principle of the Christian life is forgiveness. Jesus forgave one of the thieves next to him on the cross. Jesus forgives us. He wants us to forgive others. Another Christian principle is honesty and integrity. When we become a new believer, we will begin to have inner joy. Joy is one of the fruit of the Spirit. When sorrows come our way, the Holy Spirit gives us an inner joy.
Another Christian principle is love. In Mark 12, Jesus says the two most important commandments are about love. God says love me with all your soul, mind and strength. God also says that we should love our neighbors as yourself. God loves us so much he sent his only Son to die on a cross for us. God loved us first.
Another Christian principle is peace. In John 14, Jesus says we can have true peace. God gives us peace as a gift. Peace is an unopened gift until we unwrap it. The Christian life is compared to a race. We need to pace ourselves and have perseverance. God wants us to finish the race.

research help: ' New Believers Bible' by Greg Laurie

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Jesus: Matthew 24:7-8

 Jesus: Matthew 24:7-8 by ric gustafson

Matthew 24 tells us that there will be war between nations and kingdoms. That there will be famines and earthquakes. And that all this is only the beginning. There is a heavenly army. We should not tremble at the storms and things that happen to us in this life. We should be strengthened by these warnings. Jesus tells us suffering will come. The kingdom of God is coming. Eternal salvation and eternal joy is coming. Paradise is coming praise the Lord.
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Jesus' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, February 9, 2024

Jesus: Matthew 23:37

 Jesus: Matthew 23:37 by ric gustafson

Jesus had a tender and affecttionate heart. Jesus is the Shepherd we are his flock. He has affection for us his believers. His love for us is great. He has a holy love for us. He overcame fear and grief. His soul was sorrowful even unto death. During his life, he was full of affection. He felt grief for man's sins. He cries because of the hardness of men's souls. He cries at the thought of ungodly mens sin and misery. In Matthew 23, Jesus cried out for Jerusalem and all those who need Jesus in their lives.
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Jesus' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

seven deadly sins page 9

 seven deadly sins page 9 by ric gustafson

Ben walked through the front door. He opened up the sack and took out a new winter suit. He put it on the edge of the brown couch. 
His wife of twenty years was standing there with a concerned look on her face. " I was just going over the credit card statement". She handed it to Ben.
He quickly glanced at it. He handed it back. " What's wrong with it?".
" It's maxed out Ben". She gave him a worried stare. " I also got a call from a creditor today".
Ben picked up his new suit. He showed it to her. " We'll be ok".
" Ben, we can't afford that suit".
" I'm going to wear it next week on my business trip".
" Tell me again why you are going?".
" Mr Firestone wants me to go to a convention with a fixed expense account". His voice hesitated. " And try to lure some potential customers our way".
Noreen made her husband a sandwich. 
" If we don't clear up this financial situation we are in". She frowned as she poured him a glass of milk. " Sandwiches is all we will be eating from now on".
Ben picked up the suit and headed toward the stairs. " If I get this huge promotion from Mr Firestone". Ben smiled. " We will be ok".
Noreen put the credit card statement in a drawer. " Ben, I sure hope so".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Jesus: Luke 21:3-4

 Jesus: Luke 21:3-4 by ric gustafson

According to Luke 21, but she poor as she is has given everything she has. A poor widow could only put two mites into the treasury. Jesus proclaimed that she put in all that she had. Her gifts to God were more valuable than what the wealthy could put in. It is not the weight of the gift. It is by the willingness of the giver. Don't offer what you must leave behind. Instead offer to God what no one can take away from you. Offer God what will go down to the grave. Give to God what will go with you to the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Jesus' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Welcome New Believer page 1

 Welcome New Believer page 1 by ric gustafson

Welcome New Believer. Congradulations on receiving Jesus Christ into your life as your personal Lord and Savior. Not only have you obtained the gift of eternal life but now you have a responsibility. Now you have the message of the gospel. Now what do you do with it?. 
What we have done for Jesus on this earth will be examined before God. Will what we do for Jesus here stand the test of tine. Those who have done much for Jesus will be greatly rewarded.
God's Word tells us not to give in to false teachings. Jesus has promised that he will return. In John 14, he tells us that he is preparing a place for us. Then he will come get us. In Titus 2, good news is proclaimed that Jesus is coming again.
When someone truly comes to Jesus, their life will begin to transform. All of us were seperated from God by sin. This was dealt with and absolved by Jesus on the cross. Our conversion will show fruit and works. Bearing fruit is our commitment to Jesus. Bearing fruit shows through our actions and attitudes as people of God. Bearing fruit is not optional. It is coming into union with God.

research help: ' New Believers Bible' by Greg Laurie

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, February 5, 2024

Jesus: Matthew 23:27

 Jesus: Matthew 23:27 by ric gustafson

The Christian life is a love affair of the heart. The Christian life cannot be lived by a set of principles or ethics. It cannot be run by programs and steps. It cannot be strictly a moral code. The truth of the gospel can set us free. We can be free to love God and others. When the truth of the gospel is strictly doctrine or ethics, out soul passion is crippled and divorced from our heart purpose. 
The teachers of the Law and the Pharisees were concerned about the outside of the body. They were not concerned about the inner life of the person. According to Matthew 23, Jesus was concerned about the inner life the life of the heart of the person. The key to the Christian life is our heart.
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Jesus' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

seven deadly sins page 8

 seven deadly sins page 8 by ric gustafson

Ben wiped off his mouth with a napkin. " How was the steak Mr Firestone?".
" Very good". He took a sip of water from his water goblet. " Excluding ours of course".
" Mr Firestone". Ben smiled at his boss. " I have a lot of good ideas for Macanac Steaks".
" That's good Ben". He smiled. " I like hearig that from my supervisors".
" Mr Firestone". Ben's voice hesitated. " Have you ever thought about appointing a Vice President who would be directly under you".
" Are you referring to yourself Ben?".
Ben grinned. " With all my great ideas, I think I would make a great Vice President".
" Ben, you've been doing an ok job despite the negative reports I keep getting about you".
" What do you mean just ok?".
" Ben, don't be so greedy".
" What do you mean Sir?".
" Concentrate on your job". He smiled. " Let me worry about your advancement".
" Ok Mr Firestone".
The waiter walked over and put the bill on the table.
" Ben, are you sure you don't want help paying the bill?".
Ben put his VISA card on the bill. " No I'm fine".
Mr Firestone put his coat on. " Thanks for dinner Ben". He walked out.
Ben signed the bill with a scowl on his face.

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, February 4, 2024

seven deadly sins page 7

seven deadly sins page 7 by ric gustafson

Ben was seated at a two person table. A waiter took the napkins out of the water goblets.
" Is somebody coming to join you?".
" Yes, hopefully". The waiter put water into the goblets.
Mr Firestone walked in. He was led to the table.
" Good evening Ben". He took off his coat. He put it on a coat rack by the table. He sat down.
" Thank you Mr Firestone for agreeing to come on short notice".
" I came Ben". His voice hesitated. " I'm not sure why?".
The waiter came to the table to take their order.
" Mr Firestone, the meal is on me". Ben picked up the menu. " Please order whatever you would like".
" Are you sure Ben?". He put down his menu. " This is an expensive restaurant".
" I have my credit card". Ben took his VISA card out of his billfold. " The meal is on me".
Mr Firestone turned to the waiter. " We will start with two side salads".
The waiter left with their order.
" Now Ben". Mr Firestone stared at his employee. " Why have you asked me here tonight?".

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

will you live forever? page 2

 will you live forever? page 2 by ric gustafson

The two men pulled up chairs close to the open window. They sat down. 
Bobby turned. " Who are you?".
" Two people who care". The old man in white smiled. " Bobby Jenkins, we don't want you to jump".
" How do you know my name?".
The old man looked at the younger bearded man dressed in white. " Bobby, my Son and I have known you your entire life".
Bobby stared at the two men. " I don't remember meeting either one of you".
" We have watched and protected you your entire life".
" Prove ir".
Jesus smiled. " I remember as a little boy when you got Mr Boo Boo".
Bobby was silent. " How do you know about Mr Boo Boo?".
God smiled. " I remember the ten speed bike you got on your birthday".
Bobby looked perplexed. " I loved that bike".
Jesus grinned. " You did until you fell off and hurt yourself badly on McKinley Ave".
Bobby frowned. " You have my attention now".
God smiled. " Bobby, we would like you to become a living sacrifice?".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, February 3, 2024

seven deadly sins page 6

 seven deadly sins page 6 by ric gustafson

Rose put a stamp on an envelope. She looked up to see the familiar face. " He's waiting for you Ben"
Ben walked into Mr Firestone's office. His boss was standing by a window drinking a cup of coffee.
" Good morning Ben". He smiled weakly as he sat down. " Please have a seat".
Ben looked around the office. " I envy you Mr Firestone".
" Why is that Ben?".
" You have been so successful with this company". He pointed around the room. " I envy you".
" Ben, I'm a simple Christian man who started a company". He smiled. " I don'r care about fame, power or status".
" I just want a happy productive department".
Mr Firestone stared at Ben. " That's not what I've been hearing?".
" What do you mean?".
" I heard what happened to Elaine". He frowned. " She's a good employee Ben".
" I was not happy with her slogan". He looked at his boss. " I replaced her on my team".
" From the reports I've been given". Mr Firestone looked at Ben. " It seems you have major anger issues with your employees".
" I'm sorry Mr Firestone".
" Ben, clean up your act". He pointed at Ben. " Or I will make immediate changes".
Ben walked out of the office with a hardened heart.

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Margaret Tobin Brown page 12

 Margaret Tobin Brown page 12 by ric gustafson

When the Carpathia began it's journey home to New York, Margaret took action. She went to the Wireless Room. The only operator was Harold Cottan. She sent a message to her daughter letting her know she was safe. 
A ceremony was held in the first class dining saloon. Captain Rostron held an impromptu service for those who were lost on the Titanic. An Episcopal clergyman was found to do the service. It was a service of thanksgiving and grief.
Margaret decided to spend her time on board helping others. Everything on board was used for the survivors. Passengers donated clothes, socks and bedclothes. Margaret helped with the women and children who were sleeping in the dining rooms and corridors. Margaret organized a group to raise funds for the survivors.
On April 18 1912, the Carpathia let go of it's lifeboats at Pier 59. In New York Harbor, Pier 59 was White Star's pier. Then the Carpathia docked at Pier 54. Over 30,000 people waited in cold driving rain. More than 500 automobiles, carriages and ambulances were waiting for the survivors.
Margaret decided to stay on board for a night.

research help: ' Molly Brown unraveling the myth' by Kristen Iversen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Jesus: Luke 20:46

 Jesus: Luke 20:46 by ric gustafson

Jesus was critical of the Pharisees. They hated Jesus. They were not used to being criticized. Even Jesus'
s mere presence made them recoil from him. Nothing dispels a lie faster than the truth. What is genuine and what is counterfeit?.
The counterfeiters of holiness were not pleased with Jesus. Jesus was authentic holiness. Jesus was the real deal.
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Jesus' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

seven deadly sins page 5

 seven deadly sins page 5 by ric gustafson

Roger Harrison put the flag back in the cup. He walked down the hill toward the 5th flag. " What score did you get on that hole Ben?".
Ben thought for a second. " Five I think". He walked over and put his ball in the washer. He wiped it dry. " I envy you Roger".
Roger gave him a surprised look. " Why would you envy me for?".
" You are successful at the firm, have a great house and a great marriage".
Roger put his ball on a tee. " So!".
" Haven't you ever envyed someone before?".
" To be truthful". He hit the ball down the fairway. " I did before I became a Christian".
" And now".
" I don't think about things like that anymore".
" I envy Mr Firestone". Ben hit a drive down the left side. " I would love to be president of Macanac Steaks".
" Be careful Ben". He started walking toward his ball. " Your thinking could backfire on you and the company". 
Ben walked toward his ball with a smirk on his face.

research help: ' The Journey' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric